Claiming The Flynn Trophy.

From the time he became a household name, people were making claims to their being the discover of this magnificent icon known as Errol Flynn; Jack and his other Warner Brother(s) – Irving Asher who was enthusiastic about Flynn’s performance and cabled Warner Bros in Hollywood about the movie he just finished making with Flynn; ” Murder at Monte Carlo”(1934)… (more…)

Flynn Lays Down

It seems EF decided not the beat the crap out of Sonja Henie’s husband, Dan Topping, after being caught kissing in the back room – The link here doesn’t say it all but in watching a Bio on Sonja the other night, it mentions that this happened due to the fact Sonja wanted to get her husband back for overly… (more…)

Has Any Seen?

Hello  fellow EF Bloggers – Have you all seen (LINK) –  I don’t know much about it other than what I read on its site, so I decided to throw it out to the blog and see what they knew… Thx Sergio   — Sergio

Sean In The News

I have what I call, my “Magic Box”,  with it you can get any film, program, music, whatever one can ever imagine with a click of finger, including movies that are in the theaters now.  (not sure if I should mention that?) – In any case out of the thousands of Apps I can pick from, I have one that I truly adore;… (more…)

Conversation with author Peter Valenti

Peter (Valenti) and I last night had our first conversation to what I hope will be many to come in the near future. I found him to be very open and an inviting gentleman. It felt as if I’ve known Peter (as he wanted me to call him to that of Mr. Valenti – which I generally address someone I… (more…)


Pretty cool…. — Sergio

Avie Lee Hern – Robins Sword

what does anyone know about the supposed owner of Errol’s sword used in Robin Hood? — Sergio

trivia: Robin Hood Character

He played the same role in three Robin Hood movies, the last he played it 28 years after his first. — Sergio

Flynn books $$$$$$

So I was thinking, I don’t remember ever reading about what our man Flynn was ever paid by any publisher(s) for his books of which he had written; Showdown and Beams End. Does anyone know this? I know curiosity killed the cat, but whos meowing?..prrrrrrrrrrr… — Sergio

It Dropped into Dodge 77 years ago

A couple days ago I watched Dodge City (1939)— (Lord only knows how many times I have) and a little tid-bit stored in my small tiny pea brain came to the for front, about how Hollywood had broken away from the tradition of premiering films in places such their California theaters – this time they premiered in Dodge City, Kansas, of which, cough-cough! you ready… (more…)