Monthly Archives: March 2009

Visit Writer Producer Steve Hayes' new website!

Our Author Steve Hayes has a new website!……! — David DeWitt

Errol Flynn: A Life in Doggerel

<?xml:namespace prefix = o />What follows is a manuscript excerpt from my mock-epic poem Errol Flynn: A Life in Doggerel, for which – if anyone's interested – I'm presently seeking a publisher.    I've completed “Book I,” consisting of 6 “cantos,” some 600 stanzas total, and am now at work on “Book II,” which will consist of a like number of cantos and stanzas.  Book I ends exactly midway through Flynn's life, in late 1934, as he is crossing… (more…)

We welcome New Author Kevin McAleer to the Errol Flynn Blog!

I am happy to announce our newest Author Kevin McAleer to the Errol Flynn Blog… we welcome you, Kevin, and look forward to your contributions! — David DeWitt