Archive for October, 2017

Flynn, the Play coming soon to Audio!

31 Oct

Michael Druxman writes to us:


I just discovered your blog.

I thought you’d like to know that an audio edition of my one-person stage play, FLYNN, is currently nearing the end of production and, if all goes well, should be available for download before the end of November via Audible, Amazon and iTunes.  Sam Burns plays the role of Errol Flynn.

In the meantime, paperback and Kindle editions of the play are available via the link below.

Michael B. Druxman

Thanks, Michael!

— David DeWitt


Hollywood and the Stars…

31 Oct

Back in 1963, there was the aforementioned series produced by David L Wolper. Those lucky enough, might catch a look at a particular program in the series titled “The Swashbucklers” (which featured Fairbanks Sr and…) sometimes MIGHT be found on a compilation tape of Flynn miscellaneous items (Pirate Party, etc.).

Always on the look out for a better copy in the hopes that the series would be commercially reissued.

With the passing of Wolper comes a change in that situation and its appearance on Youtube; narrated by Joseph Cotton and worth a look.

— Karl

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An Errol Flynn Dilemma?

28 Oct

I am submitting a couple of pictures of Flynn I have had in my collection for many years.

They both appear to be from the same event since they are noted with the WB numbering I system (GEN PUB8546).  But, there seems to be some confusion about my listing  for time and place. So I am asking for help in confirming just where and when they were taken.



I have this shot of Errol with Faye Emerson, in front of the My Gallery at 850l0 Wishire, during May 25th to 27th, 1945 at the Eleanor Powell pre-auction, open-exhibition. A similar photo also appeared in the August, ’45 issue of Movie Stars Parade magazine. By the way that is Michael Curtiz back to camera looking at another artwork.

This shot is of Flynn and Curtiz inside the building, chatting. There are also a few more of these two together, all WB numbered. My confusion is that I also have some old hand notes that this is an exhibition at the Decker and Flynn Gallery sometime in May or June, ’45, but I have no back-up. Since I can not locate any old photos of the front of either of the two galleries, I am not sure which description is correct … or if they are both wrong.  So … I appreciate any feedback that will straighten out my dilemma.

— David DeWitt


Senor Flynn in Comic Cuba

26 Oct…

— Tim


Dean Stockwell Remembers Errol Flynn

24 Oct

Dean Stockwell is one of the few still living actors who starred with Errol Flynn, Olivia being the prominent other. Dean was the boy Kim with Errol Flynn can anyone name any other star still alive. The page below under Deans personal quotes reflects well on Errol as well as Widmark another of my personal favorites.…

— Bob Schaffer


Radical or Reactionary?

23 Oct

Was Robin Hood a radical revolutionary, or a right wing reactionary? The debate rages on, with liberals, conservatives, and libertarians, all claiming him for themselves. What do you think?

A Left Winger?……

Or a Right Winger?……

Or was he not either, but, rather, a libertarian?…

— Tim


The Sartorial Flynn

21 Oct

Inspired by the keen observations of timerider – and with his kindly “Carry on, Old Boy” blessing – I hereby start a post for all to post your all time favorite images of Errol at his sartorial best, most fun, interesting, unique, and/or ahead of his time. I expect all of us will have multiple, even numerous favorites.

As timerider would say, “Carry On”! … In that spirit and fashion, I post my first:

— Tim



19 Oct

Dear fellow Flynn fans,

in the new book from Dan Brown “Origin” there is a cross reference to one of Flynn`s favourite paintings: Paul Gauguin`s “D’où venons nous ? Que sommes nous ? Où allons nous ?”.

Without giving away the cliffhanger storyline, the central theme circles around the essential human questions “Where do we come from?” and “Where are we going to?” and amazingly comes up with answers, Errol so desperately was looking for all his short and sensational life.

In a nuts-shell the universe is thriving for entropy- for expanding and exhausting its energy and we all serve faithfully as outlets. This path may well turn us into a technically enhanced species in the future.

Basically we start out as Errol Flynns and end up as Rick Deckards.

For more on the metaphors within the masterwork watch this:…


— shangheinz


Mail Bag! Compass of the Zaca?

17 Oct

The Mail Bag brings another Question!

I am trying to find out information about the compass/binnacle that was originally installed on the Zaca.

My friend has one that he believes came from it. I have researched the compass and it was purchased from ES Ritchie & Sons in 1930.

I do not know if you would have more information about the binnacle from the Zaca like the serial number or what happened to it?





— David DeWitt


Mail Bag! My Wicked, Wicked Ways TV Movie Question!

15 Oct

In the Mail Bag today:

Dear Flynn Blog,

I just finished watching the aforementioned TV movie on DECADES. Very enjoyable. I’m trying to find out who Billy Welch, the stunt man who died after he fell off a horse in the TV movie, was based on. Couldn’t find any info for him online so I’m guessing that wasn’t the stunt Man’s real name.

Delmo Walters, Jr.

Thanks, Delmo!

— David DeWitt