Monthly Archives: May 2010

The June 2010 Docklines from the Errol Flynn Marina!

The new Docklines from our friends at The Errol Flynn Marina is now available… enjoy! — David DeWitt

Nice Reading

Nothing new, but reads well and seems to be carefully written. Enjoy, if you haven't before (cuz it's ooold).…… — Inga

Crowe's Robin Hood Reviews coming in…

These are some links to reviews of the new Ridley Scott Robin Hood sent to me by my long time pen pal Suzy… Whose fault is it that 'Robin Hood' is terrible? By now everyone knows that Ridley Scott's Robin Hood isn't very good. First the French learned it, at Cannes, and then the rest of the world learned it, through… (more…)

We Welcome New Author Sergio Albuixech to The Errol Flynn Blog!

I am pleased to announce our Newest Author, Sergio Albuixech to The Errol Flynn Blog! Sergio lives in Spain and says he will post some information about Flynn's life in his country… Sergio, Welcome to The Errol Flynn Blog! We look forward to your posts and thoughts…                  — David DeWitt

A Question of Accent

Ok, this might be going to be a bit dry, but have you ever thought about why Lili pronounced “Flynn” as “Fleen”? As 1/4 of a linguist, I became interested in this question, and here's what I found out. Even though I never heard Lili speak, I believe she did not say “Fleen” directly. You probably know that in your… (more…)

Errolivia Mashup and Olivia Article

Hey Flynnatics, I have attatched a mash up of photos from off set of 'Captain Blood' with Errol and Olivia, and i was wondering if anyone has any more photo's taken from this photoshoot offset? Also here is an Article on Olivia, which about a 3rd of the way through she talks of Errol. Also it include a fantastic photo… (more…)

‘New Biography With Chapter On Errol Flynn’

I wish to bring attention to a brand new book on the life of actress/model Jeanne Carmen who appeared in the Errol Flynn movie “Too Much, Too Soon” (1958). The book is currently available from…… under the title “Jeanne Carmen: My Wild, Wild Life” written by her son Brandon James based on her diaries.   I have not read this… (more…)

There is only one Robin Hood, Russ. Deal with it.…     Honestly. This guy needs a major glass of “shaddupyouryap” juice.   — Elayna

Back to Romy

Hello everyone, I tried to find out more about Errol and Romy Schneider and contacted the owners of a fan site of Romy. They sent me two further pictures and also said that the encounter must have taken place in 1957 at the Berlinale because that was when they met for sure. So unless somebody finds out anythin new, let's… (more…)