Monthly Archives: February 2016

Uncertain Glory! Examined by Karl Holmberg!

The following is part of a personal email exchange between myself, Gentleman Tim, and Karl Holmberg that yielded a treasure that Karl kindly allowed me to share with the blog. Here is part of the email and a link to download an amazing piece of writing done by Karl Holmberg several years ago. Karl Holmberg: I remember reading that it… (more…)

Remembering Errol … Again!

It has been nine years since I published this article on the blog, and before the month gets entirely away from us I want to publish it again … it was the first article published on The Errol Flynn Blog, and I was alone here but not for long, of course!                                                                Who was Errol Flynn? He it was who… (more…)

Flynn’s Film? Errol’s Oscar?

Was Norman Maine based in part on Errol Flynn? (and/or perhaps John Barrymore and/or Norman Kerry?)…… Was Errol offered the role, but rejected it?…… Would Errol have been a better Norman Maine?…… Or, did Jack Warner “blackball” him from getting it?……… Was this Errol’s best chance to win an Academy Award for Best Actor?……… (more…)

Aadland Anonymous

Dear fellow Flynn fans, Woodsie made the front page of Bild Zeitung, the biggest tabloid newspaper of Germany up to today on the 25th of may in 1960. The text reads as follows: “Beverly Aadland (17) the former girlfriend of the late Hollywood star Errol Flynn, is not allowed to drink alcohol any more. The decision was taken via a… (more…)

Actin’ Like Flynn – Part 14 – Hope Springs Eternal

Another Parody of Flynn, Tailor Made for Hope. Released in Early 1954, In the Wake of Errol’s Modern Adventures of Casanova, 1952. Even has a Girl Swimming Out to His Boat! The Whole Casanova, with Basil Adding Spice – Co-Starring Joan Dehavilland: — Tim

Actin’ Like Flynn – Part 13 – Surely He Jests

The Kid from Brooklyn in a Spectacular Spoof of Errol Hood. With Vessel Loads of Snappy Humor: And a Duel Role Opposing Basil Rathbone:………… — Tim

Warner Bros. special logo for 2 Errol Flynn films.

Warner Bros designed a beautiful, special logo for both ”THE ADVENTURES OF ROBIN HOOD”(1938) and ”THE PRIVATE LIVES OF ELIZABETH AND ESSEX”(1939) The logo was never used for any other film again. One design for both films. It sets these two highly ambitious Technicolor films a part from the rest. — Kevin Wedman

Actin’ Like Flynn – Part 12 – Very Well Put, Mr. Flynn

Mr. Flynn, I Mean, Mr. Flint, Saves the World from Global Warming (in “Our Man Flynn”) and Hot Global Feminists (in “In Like Flint”), Romancing with Wild Women and Conversing with Trained Dolphins All Along His Errol-May-Care Way. Derek Flint tributes Errol, showing The Baron to be even greater than Bond. See zacal’s superb “Our Man Flynn” post:…… In… (more…)

Tribute to Robin and Ralph

A Superb Tribute to The Adventures of Robin Hood: Featuring Errol Flynn and Ralph Dawson. Was Ralph Dawson the greatest film editor of the 1930s? — Three academy awards in less than four years – Midsummer’s Night Dream, Anthony Adverse & The Adventures of Robin Hood. Mighty impressive.…… — Tim

”THE SEA HAWK” (1940) ”The Albatross” At Warner Bros.

Due to the lack of a sound stage large enough to accommodate the full scale ships used in the production, the studio built a new sound stage that covered a specially constructed artificial lake-water tank. The ships were 165′ and 135′ and surrounded by water twelve-feet deep. This photo was taken at Warner Bros Studios sound stage in 1943 while… (more…)