Uncertain Glory! Examined by Karl Holmberg!

The following is part of a personal email exchange between myself, Gentleman Tim, and Karl Holmberg that yielded a treasure that Karl kindly allowed me to share with the blog. Here is part of the email and a link to download an amazing piece of writing done by Karl Holmberg several years ago.


Karl Holmberg:

I remember reading that it was announced in the press that Flynn was being considered for the role of Johnny Nolan and the player (James Dunn) went on to receive a Best Supporting Oscar in A Tree Grows In Brooklyn (1945).

It would have been the 2nd (The Sisters being the first) time in his then career that he would play a drunk. Directed by Elia Kazan, 20th Century Fox, release date February 1945 could have overlapped working on Uncertain Glory (August- October 1943; rd: April 1944) or Objective Burma (Filming May- August 1944; rd: February 1945) … though it seems Flynn usually (?) worked on 1 at a time. “Tree Grows” would have been his 1st outside studio production and also would have possibly have had a Thomson Productions credit?
I remember some studio (?) having some fun with the title where a dog/dogs see the title and start running (from NYC?) to Brooklyn.
I attach another antique (August 2004) effort that mentions the Thomson Productions deal … fleshing it out a little better.
This was written in the style of what might have been a script for a commentary while the movie was playing, only I DIDN’T KNOW IT… and had no awareness that it could even be done. My intent was to highlight a relatively little played film (just as Don’t Bet On Blondes) and give people some idea about it. I even remember not knowing what SPOILER ALERT meant back then… hence, no warning.
Spoiler alert: it’s VERY long winded!
Uncertain Glory PDF
Copyright 2004 Karl Holmberg
Sir Karl, our heartfelt thanks!

— David DeWitt

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