Monthly Archives: April 2010

What Errol Told Olivia

Learn how Errol Flynn made an early and lasting impression on Olivia de Havilland on the set of Captain Blood.

Mystery Question of the Week

One very general question: what happens to all the props that are used in film?  Most of them are probably kept, others sold or destroyed? So does anybody know what happened to these two pictures that were used in two of Errol's films? The first one is a cartoon from “That Forsyte Woman”, I just copied it from what I… (more…)

Happy 111th birthday!

Just a wee note to say Happy Birthday to Cowboy Guinn! He'd be 111 today.     — Inga

Robin Hood King of Sherwood a review by Thomas McNulty

 A Review By Thomas McNulty The name Robin Hood immediately brings to mind an image of Errol Flynn swinging on a vine in Sherwood Forest. Robin Hood has long been a captivating, popular folk hero, and many actors besides Flynn have tackled the role, including Russell Crowe whose current take on the legendary bandit of Sherwood is destined to remain… (more…)

Bandwidth Problems Now Permanently Fixed!

The kind folks at…… where I host this blog have kindly permanently doubled our bandwidth! We should not have any more issues with running out of bandwidth – not to say we shouldn't all take care with the size of our files, especially photos that can be resized before uploading… so the fun continues! — David DeWitt

Stephen Boyd

Hi fellow Bloggers, have just seen youtube video of Errol Flynn and Stephen Boyd in a scene from Boyd's first film do go watch it page 9 on Errol Flynn section — daringthorpe

feels like home

A big thank you to all EF blog authors for the warm welcome I have recieved, it feels like I've …

New interest in 7740 Mulholland Drive!

Is seems that we have renewed interest in an accurate account of what really happened to Mulholland House – Farm of  7740 Mulholland Drive? It looks like that most likely Robert Matzen and Michael Mazzone could have all the detailed dates to the complete scenario of WHAT really happened to the property after Errol lost the property to Lili Damita;… (more…)

A Crazy Idea?

Hello everybody, first I'd like to thank you all for the warm welcome you gave me. It feels good to be member of such a great community! Then I would like to make a suggestion. Maybe it's crazy, but this idea has been on my mind for some time and I think it'd be quite unique…Why don't we create an… (more…)

My Thoughts on Errol Flynn

As far back as I can remember Errol Flynn has fascinated me, as a small child he was the

 hero …