Archive for June, 2017

Flynn River

28 Jun

You always rolled in style
And always brought a smile …

Oh dreammaker, you heartbreaker
You were off to see the world,
And there was such a lot of world to see …

June 28, 1935

Harrison Carroll – Los Angeles Evening Herald Express

Lili Damita’s new groom, Errol Flynn, is versatile to no end. In addition to acting for Warner pictures (he has a good chance for the lead in Captain Blood) the young Irishman is writing a book about his experiences in the interior of New Guinea.

Seems he once went there on commission of the British government to promote peace between the tribes of aborigines. And, while there, was lucky enough to make a gold strike and have a river named after him.

All in addition, of course, to his prowess as an athlete. Flynn was the amateur boxing heavyweight champion of Ireland and competed in the 1928 Olympic Games. And he’s an ace at tennis, too, which is Hollywood’s favorite game.

— Tim


More On In Like Flynn

28 Jun

See photo of “Errol” on the “Sirocco” from Luke’s In Like Flynn.…

Summary below is extracted and adapted from the above-linked article by Cheryl Goodenough.

“The movie stars Australian actor Thomas Cocquerel, from Red Dog: True Blue and Kidnapping Mr Heineken, as Errol Flynn.

It is being co-produced by Flynn’s 41-year-old actor, writer and producer grandson Luke Flynn.

A 100-person film crew set up at Cleveland’s Raby Bay to shoot In Like Flynn.

Directing In Like Flynn is Australian Russell Mulcahy of Highlander, Teen Wolf and Resident Evil: Extinction fame.

Mr Mulcahy said the film was taking full advantage of Moreton Bay at its best.

“The first time I came here on the location survey to Cleveland, I fell in love with it,” he said.

“It’s perfect – it’s exactly what we need.

“How could any director not enjoy this part of the world? It is stunningly beautiful, from sunrise over the water to sunset.”

In June 2015, Pirates of the Caribbean star Johnny Depp put Cleveland on the filming map.

Redland City is fast earning a reputation within Queensland, Australia and overseas as a great place to make great television and movies.

The city was recently recognised at the premiere of Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales on the Gold Coastfor its welcoming community, film-friendly council and its spectacular water-based locations.

Scenes from Flynn’s exploits in Papua New Guinea were shot in the Mount Tamborine area.

Set in the 1930s, In Like Flynn tells the story of Flynn in his twenties when he discovered a map on a dead prospector while serving as a guide for a Hollywood producer in the jungles of Papua New Guinea.

In Sydney, Flynn rounds up a crew, who steal Sirocco, a yacht belonging to Chinese opium smugglers and they voyage up the Australian east coast.

Mr Mulcahy said In Like Flynn was an “honest seat of your pants true life action adventure about a group of guys lead by Flynn, who barely make it through some incredible situations”.”

— Tim


Errol Helps Pioneer Underwater Photography

23 Jun

Premier Photographer Peter Stackpole’s Pioneering Underwater Photography Began With and Because of Errol

— Tim


Film of Errol & Lili Skiing!

23 Jun

On the slopes of “Hollywood St. Moritz” (aka Sun Valley)…

— Tim


Coronado Dreamin’ – 1938

22 Jun

Coronado Eagle – July 21, 1938

Tennis and Water Skiing in the Summer of ’38

“Water Skiing New Coronado Water Sport”

I think that I shall never see
A thing as lonely as a ski
A ski that stands against the wall
Waiting until some snow shall fall.

The author of the above evidently hadn’t heard of the latest craze,
water skiing. Now that we have been naughtily alluring in grass skirts
during Hawaiian week and demurely picturesque in crinoline in the manner
of the Gay Nineties we must need be athletic and go cavorting about on
the top of the waves with water skis.

Whether you pronounce it ski or “ski” you’ll pronounce it thrilling
according to Otto Lang, the instructor in the precarious sport which has
so suddenly become the rage. Mr. Lang is famed as an instructor who has
coached the University of Washington ski team, and was associated with
Hannes Schneider, a world authority on skiing. He appeared In “Thin Ice’’
with Sonja Henie. Mr. Lang contends that water skiing keeps one in condition
for snow skiing and visa versa. The skills are similar altho attached to the
feet in a different manner.”

Errol Flynn who was recently here as a contestant in the tennis tournament,
is one of the chief enthusiasts of the sport and it is predicted that other
moving picture actors will follow his lead. Mr. Lang is at present instructing
some of the younger set among whom are Miss Dorothy Royce, Miss Sinclair Gannon
Miss Quil Garrettson and Walter Fitch. They are expected to fly thru the water
with the greatest of ease any day now.

— Tim


Coronado Dreamin’ – 1937

21 Jun

Coronado Eagle – July 29, 1937

Fishing & Water Skiing (& likely Tennis, too ) in the Summer of ’37

“Splashes from Glorietta Bay”

“Assuming almost holiday appearance, Coronado Yacht Club continues to play host to a
number of visiting yachtsmen and members with the Club’s slips and basin filled with
craft of all sizes.

From northern ports, six visiting boats, their owners and guests aboard, arrived this
week and joined the local group for a stay in Coronado.

Cheerio II, 46-ft auxiliary yawl, owned by Errol Flynn, well known movie actor from
Beverly Hills, arrived Saturday for a holiday. Guests aboard are Frank Lbickok and
Elmer Griffin. The party plans to fish for marlin and enjoy water skiing.”

Cheerio II, 46-foot Yawl
Skippered by current owner Dick McNish, previously owned by Silver Screen Star Errol Flynn

— Tim


Happy Birthday, Errol Flynn!

20 Jun

June 20, 1909 – June 20, 2017


— David DeWitt


Et tu, Bruce?

20 Jun

— Tim


“Barry Mahon helps to destroy another Hollywood Film Great!”

19 Jun

I was always an admirer and fan of the ever-beautiful Rita Hayworth. After seeing all of her movie classics I tracked down her later films. Beyond the shadow of a doubt the worst film (of 61) in her long career was a soft-core pornographic film ‘The Naked Zoo’ (1970)!  It was written, directed, and produced by William Grefe.  The film was shot in Florida as cheaply as possible with grainy 16MM film.  Not only is the picture slightly out of focus, the soundtrack is horrible. Rita’s co-star was Stephen Oliver who starred on the popular, prime-time series ‘Peyton Place’ (1966-1968) plus look for Fay Spain and Joe E. Ross of ‘Car 54″ in smaller roles.  After the film was shot, Grefe decided to pad-out the film’s length with several LSD, Party-Orgy sequences and turned to one-time Errol Flynn director and associate Barry Mahon to shoot the extra scenes.  Thankfully Rita Hayworth does not appear in these scenes and acquits herself well as an actress.  In fact in the original footage she is still lovely to look at.  After this wretched, degrading film, which only played at ‘nudie house’ theatres in the US, Rita Hayworth went over to MGM to shoot “The Wrath Of God” (1972) with Robert Mitchum. Sadly Miss Hayworth’s dementia was taking hold. The director Ralph Nelson gave her only a few lines and kept her in shot so that she could get paid. Afterword she went to England to make a horror film directed by Freddie Francis. After a few days of filming, Rita fled Britain in fear and never acted again anywhere. She was replaced by Kim Novak in the film “Tales That Witness Madness” (1973) which was excellent. Rita Hayworth died in 1987 from Alzheimer’s disease. Barry Mahon continued to write, produce, and direct cheap pornographic films for the rest of his career. Ralph Schiller

— rswilltell


Whatever Happened to Mrs. Evans?

19 Jun

Did her husband in Paris kill her when he found out where she was?

A Quiz on the Neverending Adventures of Errol Flynn…

More in the papers from and about Barbara”

“Did Mrs. Evans have any comments on world affairs? Yes. George will just kill me when he finds out where I’ve been.

Sounds like George might be kind of a poor sport. For Castro the warfare is over. For Errol it may just be the beginning.”

— Tim