Category Archives: Portraits

Errol Flynn’s Fourth Foto Shoot in 1937!

Going from the photo studio, during the week of August 23-27, to Errol’s home for some  more photos with Lily. Continuing Errol’s time off into mid-September also included some training rehearsals and lessons for his next picture … Robin Hood.  Enjoy! — Topper

We Lost Errol Flynn on this Day, October 14, 1959!

— David DeWitt

Mail Bag! Rare Photo of John Decker with Errol Flynn & Flynn Portrait!

Our chum, Norman, sends this great photo of artist John Decker posing with his subject Errol Flynn … Tanks, Norman! — David DeWitt

October 14, We Mark the Passing of Errol Flynn!

October 14, 1959. The passing of our dear Errol Flynn into history and legend … — David DeWitt

Double Decker

The Astonishing Double Lives and Double Dealings of John Decker……… — Tim

Remembering Errol … Again!

It has been nine years since I published this article on the blog, and before the month gets entirely away from us I want to publish it again … it was the first article published on The Errol Flynn Blog, and I was alone here but not for long, of course!                                                                Who was Errol Flynn? He it was who… (more…)

Early Photos Of Flynn

I found some photos recently and thought I would share. I had never seen them before. — twinarchers