Monthly Archives: September 2007

Man in car accident while watching Flynn Film!!

Trucker watched Errol Flynn movie as he drove

By David Williams, Evening Standard Motoring Editor 07.06.04

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CBC Interview re: Cuban Revolution

Hello all:

My first time on this board, glad to be with you.

Thought I should let you know that …

The Spam Monitor on the Errol Flynn Blog…

Chums! I have now been Spam Monitored at least twice on the blog, so please don't be upset if your comment post gets a spam notification, too! The darn thing is trying to do us a favor – even though it can't tell one of US from a stinking spam bot! It seems the longer the posted comment is the more likely… (more…)

We Welcome New Author Bob Peckinpaugh to The Errol Flynn Blog!

Welcome aboard Bob!   — David DeWitt