Monthly Archives: December 2020

On the Seventh Day of Christmas 🎁x7

… On December 31, 1980 Raoul Walsh passed away Leaving us these Errol Flynn masterpieces……. … — Tim

Errol Flynn: My Fighting Days Are Over!

— David DeWitt

On the Sixth Day of Christmas 🎁x6

On December 30, 1959 …… Professor Flynn gave to the world: My Son, Errol! My Son, Errol DASHING, swashbuckling Errol Flynn as he appeared with Eddie Albert in the film “TheSun Also Rises.” It was Errol’s charm, his father says, which got him into trouble. To most of the world the late Errol Flynn was known as a roistering, philandering… (more…)

On the Fifth Day of Christmas 🎁x5

Miss(chievous) Olivia was the Picture of Innocence….. December 29, 1938 Erskine Johnson Los Angeles Examiner SOME MOVIES ARE MADE Olivia De Havilland is sitting off stage watching a rehearsal between Errol Flynn and Alan Hale for a scene in Dodge City. When no one is looking she opens her hand to reveal a rubber band and a wadded piece of… (more…)

Mail Bag! Kevin McAleer reads out of ERROL FLYNN – AN EPIC LIFE – PalmArtPress, Berlin

Thanks, Kevin … — David DeWitt

On the Fourth Day of Christmas 🎁🎁🎁🎁

On the fourth day of Christmas Errol gave to us One golden film. The Captain Blood premiere.. A club of four-hundred frauleins… And a visit to Sydney from a very famous singer….! ___ December 28, 1963 Sydney Morning Herald American Singer Arrives The American singer Dick Haymes, for years a close friend of Australian-born actor Errol Flynn, arrived in Sydney… (more…)

On the Third Day of Christmas 🎁🎁🎁

On the third day of Christmas Errol gave to us One golden film. The Captain Blood premiere.. And a club of four-hundred frauleins…! — Tim

The Heroine of Hollywood

In the seventh year you shall set them free (Deut. 15:12) After spending 18 months in legal and professional limbo, de Havilland won the case and her free agency when, in 1944, the California Supreme Court upheld a lower court ruling that Warner Brothers had appealed: The studio could not extend her seven-year contract. At 5’ 3” and scarcely 100… (more…)

On the Second Day of Christmas🎁🎁

On the second day of Christmas Errol gave to us One golden film And the Captain Blood premiere…..! From Bonnie Paraschos on the Facebook Errol Flynn Blog, the FB-EFB, here’s Errol and Lili with Ross Alexander and his wife, Aleta Freel Alexander, at the world premiere of “Captain Blood”, at the Mark Strand Theater in Manhattan, on December 26, 1935.… (more…)

Merry Christmas from EF! —🎄🎁🌍

— Tim