Monthly Archives: November 2008

Rest Well, Dear Friend…

 In Memoriam… Our dear friend Linc Hurst passed away from us in Nov 2008 Professor Lincoln D Hurst was perhaps the world's leading authority on the life of Errol Flynn having collected more detailed original documents than any other collector. One of his prized posessions was Errol's “Lost” Spanish Diary… which again refutes the Charles Higham charges in Errol's own… (more…)


 Happy Thanksgiving to all… 2008! — David DeWitt

Found Photos of Errol and Sean

Errol Flynn Photos via Life Magazine

Portraits of Distinction… advertisment with Errol and Lorre!

Tip o' the Hat to Stephen Youngkin for this Ad featuring Errol and Peter Lorre! Click to enlarge — David DeWitt

Errol Flynn Radio Shows… Streaming Audio!

Errol Flynn appeared on several radio shows, notably Lux Radio Theatre, among others. We are happy to be able to stream theses shows here on the Errol Flynn Blog! In no particular order, we present several shows at the following  links: Special Thanks to our Author, Karl, for these descriptions: Note: the player will start automatically on the next page when… (more…)

Some Nice Visitor Feedback

 Hi,I want to thank Mr. DeWitt and all of the people who have contributed to his website!!!!  I am a Flynn fan (I guess you could say bordering on obsession) though I was just a kid when he died.  I can't tell you how much I have enjoyed seeing the photos and reading the tales of Errol Flynn.  Again, THANKS… (more…)

Alexis Smith bored… hugging Errol Flynn!

— David DeWitt

Errol Smiles…

— David DeWitt

Out for Blood! Pirate Style…

Higham? Did you say your name was Higam? — David DeWitt