Monthly Archives: August 2009

New EF Book?

Hello All – Just a brief note to say that Amazon has listed yet a new David Bret publication on EF due out in November 2009 entitled “Gentleman Hellraiser”. I did not bother reading his first attempt — by all accounts a massive work of fiction with little or no reliable sources. Apparently, Mr. Bret is taking a second run… (more…)

Packing Iron by Steve Hayes Reviewed by Tom McNulty!

 Read Tom McNulty's review of our Author Steve Hayes western novel “Packing Iron” online: Tom writes, in part: “The Western is not dead. I say this with total assurance because I have just read a Western that has rekindled my faith in a genre the critics have attempted to flog to death with their incessant negativism. It’s true the Western… (more…)

Wild West interview with Author-Playwright Louis Kraft!

Our Author Louis Kraft has his third interview at Wild West Magazine concerning his career and Louis says, “Johnny Boggs & WILD WEST allowed me to talk about Custer, Wynkoop, Gatewood, Apaches, Cheyennes, Flynn, de Havilland, genocide, race, and humanity… “ It's a fascinating interview not to be missed in the October 2009 WILD WEST (on newsstands soon)! Louis adds,… (more…)