Category Archives: Paintings Owned By Errol Flynn

A whole new picture

Dear fellow Flynn fans, is anyone familiar with the paintress Gudrun Sibbons? Errol and David Niven respectively are said to have owned some of her paintings. Here`s her bio for starters like me:…… Enjoy, — shangheinz


Dear fellow Flynn fans, in the new book from Dan Brown “Origin” there is a cross reference to one of Flynn`s favourite paintings: Paul Gauguin`s “D’où venons nous ? Que sommes nous ? Où allons nous ?”. Without giving away the cliffhanger storyline, the central theme circles around the essential human questions “Where do we come from?” and “Where are… (more…)

Double Decker

The Astonishing Double Lives and Double Dealings of John Decker……… — Tim

Errol Flynn by John Decker

Here he is in all his wonderful might! The picture is located at the Errol Flynn estate in Jamaica.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ People like and dislike this painting – BUT – one fact remains this painting captures to perfection Errol's Mona Lisa “non-smiling” captivating SMILE. His eyes projecting thought and feelings combined with his unusual facial expression of tenderness are communicated to perfection… (more…)

Did Errol own “The Falling Rocket” by James Whistler?

“The Falling Rocket” by James Whistler As promised, here is the information about ownership of James Whistler's “The Falling Rocket”.  The following is the information given to me by Kenneth Meyer, Curator of the Detroit Institute of Art, the current owner since 1946 of the painting, which proofs to 99% or so that Errol did not own the painting. Hi… (more…)

Two more…

          — David DeWitt

He loved that painting!

Let's continue with the next painting he loved so well!Errol and his prized possession – Mother and Child! Vincent Van Gogh “The Man is at Sea” This painting is in a private collection today – would anybody have any information who's collection? “The Man is at Sea” is – oil on canvas, size 25.98″ x 20.8″ (66 cm x 51… (more…)

Paintings Errol Flynn Owned

Now that I have a little time I would like to place an information on the blog which I have for quite some time.  I asked David to make an Errol' Paintings tab for me to put all the information I have gathered.  Thank you David for obliging me. It is quite well known that Errol Flynn owned several priceless… (more…)