Category Archives: Heinz Kampel


___ Cheers to All Who Toasted Errol on his 111th!!! ___ I am not able to name all those who deserve praise for their participation, but here are some key Flynnmates we can thank here, alphabetically by first name ___ ….. Andy Hill from Chico, “Home of Sherwood Forest” – Whiskey A.R. – Cognac ‘B’ from Chicago Bob Searles from… (more…)

We Welcome New Author Heinz Kampel to the Errol Flynn Blog!

Heinz is our latest author from Austria. He has had the chance to talk to Waltraut Haas, one of Errol’s co-stars from “William Tell”, and he is going to tell (!) us about it soon. Welcome, Heinz, and we look forward to your posts! P.S. Thanks to David and Support, the technical difficulties have apparently been resolved! — Inga