Category Archives: Photos

Errol Flynn’s Fourth Foto Shoot in 1937!

Going from the photo studio, during the week of August 23-27, to Errol’s home for some  more photos with Lily. Continuing Errol’s time off into mid-September also included some training rehearsals and lessons for his next picture … Robin Hood.  Enjoy! — Topper

Errol Flynn from Early October to end of December 1955!

Including a blow-up of ‘piggy-back’ Flynn on the “rag” cover of  On the QT. — Topper

Errol Flynn, in September 1940!

In between films, Erol enjoys his second favorite hobby … tennis! His first, of course, is sailing … along with all of the associated water sports. Here he does both during the month of September. — Topper

Monday Tidbits! Errol Flynn Portraits and Film – 1936!

In between the filming of two  feature films, Charge of the Light Brigade and  Green Light, during the week of July 6th 1936, Errol is in the photo studio for portrait session by Warner Bros. expert still photographer, Elmer Fryer. — Topper

Portraits, Portraits, Portraits! Errol Flynn at Warner Bros!

The most portraits officially taken of Errol Flynn were during his time with Warmer Bros., of course, also known as glamour shots. These are pictures specifically shot  just of Flynn. No other persons, no movie stills, no candids or special events. These were marked with E.F. and a number (e.g. E.F.308). His career in the U.S. photo studios began with… (more…)

We Lost Errol Flynn on this Day, October 14, 1959!

— David DeWitt

Captain Blood Publicity Photos!

  — David DeWitt

Happy Birthday Errol Flynn! June 20, 1909 …

— David DeWitt


Dear Flynnstones, an early Errol. Enjoy, — shangheinz

The Dalgety Déjà Vu

Dear Flynnstones, here is a follow up pic to:…… Enjoy, — shangheinz

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