Monthly Archives: September 2017

Writer Louis Kraft Weighs in on Errol Flynn!

Louis Kraft sent some information to us regarding Steve & Genene’s 2018 trip to the United States and it is filled with such great information and links that I just had to turn his comments into a stand alone post! You know Louis Kraft as a writer and lecturer with three books in the works regarding Errol Flynn. Read about… (more…)

Where it all began!

No sooner Captain Blood hit the cinemas Errol dabbled already in Texas Gold! Oil that is, black gold, Texas tea! January 22. 1936 Hurray, I did it! Finally! — Tina

“Errol’s Claim to Fame”?

Lot’s of Fun on Cresta Run … But did “Fanatical Flynn” “Never Finish”?…… Or did he finish once?… With the slowest time in history, after a stop for champagne?…… The Infamous “Horseshoe Curve”: — Tim

In An Ascot at Alta

“Only Errol Flynn could pull off wearing a short-sleeve shirt and ascot while skiing at Alta”…… “The coolest ski lodge in the US is a 78 year old building in Utah that resembles a 1940s prep-school dorm with a few added Bauhaus touches. Imagine cement-block walls, mid-century industrial Bertoia chairs, and floor-to-ceiling windows with eye-popping views of the slopes.… (more…)

Tassie members to visit the USA

Hi all This may seem a bit silly but Genene and I are hoping to holiday in the States in September next year and need some guidance. as we have not been there before we dont really know what to do and see. At present we would like to spend time in L.A. and New York with side trips to… (more…)

First Reports of Errol’s Death, in April ’45

. A rash of false fatality fears occurred in 1945, according to the New York Times, following the April 12 death of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt New York Times, April 14, 1945 “Widespread jitters bordering on mass hysteria seemed to sweep New York yesterday in the wake of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s death, as rumors of killings, accidents and deaths involving… (more…)

Flynn Falls in and forJamaica

A Series Look at the History of Errol’s Landfall On and Falling In Love with Jamaica: — Tim

This Sunday Morning

Posted Sunday, September 16, 2017 A fascinating behind-the-scenes bio of Warner Brothers’ songwriter, Moe Jerome. From Tin Pan Alley to Tinseltown, from “A Daughter’s Prayer at Twilight” to “Some Sunday Morning”.…… “At Warner Bros. from 1929 to 1949, he wrote, not for the masses, but for a film’s producer who wanted a song for a comedy or a western,… (more…)



Go Get ‘Em, Livvie!

We’re in your corner! The Feud Over Feud is Not Over: Livvie Scores an Early Knock Down!… — Tim