Category Archives: Checks

A Garden Variety Check? — Or was it for Judo Lessons?

Errol and the Judo Master/Prominent Nursery Owner, Sego Murakami On March 24, 1947, Errol signed the check below to Sego Murakami, a Japanese-American Hachidan-ranked Judo legend. Why? Well, probably not for judo lessons, but, rather, for items and services for Mulholland Farm purchased from Sego’s landmark nursery, still in business and still in the family! Errol’s Check to Sego …… (more…)

A Check for Woody’s

– aka Woody and Eddy’s, a longtime favorite restaurant in Pasadena… January 5, 1945 — Tim

Mail Bag! Cahill Interiors & Titchfield Hotel Check!

Errol/Titchfield Hotel Hello, I just read your blog regarding the Titchfield Hotel. You mention a 10k check for the a/c. I happen to have a psa/dna certified cancelled check for $6437.54 paid to Cahill Interiors dated July 15, 1952. In the bottom left corner is written in Errol’s writing “Repairs a/c Hotel Titchfield.” I believe a/c means “and credit ”… (more…)

Mail Bag! Errol Flynn Promissory Note! 1953!

Our Karl Holmberg spotted this Errol Flynn promissory note recently on eBay. He uses the Mail Bag to say: That would be $132,879.21 in today dollars. Thanks to your sharing and Mr. Florczak’s 1953 searching, we have: December 14~Flies from Barcelona, Spain to New York aboard Pan American Airways. December 25~Daughter, Arnella Roma is born (6 1/2lbs) in Rome, Italy.  … (more…)

St. Joseph Hospital – March 22, 1947

        I would say that is the fee for Rory’s birth being born on March 12th, 1947 Did I hit the nail on the head? I think so! — Tina