Monthly Archives: May 2018

67 Years Ago Today

May 30, 1951 – The Canberra Times ERROL FLYNN TO ENTERTAIN KOREAN TROOPS HOLLYWOOD – Tuesday. Jack Benny and Errol Flynn will head troupe to ‘entertain soldiers in Japan and Korea, the Hollywood Co-ordinating- Committee of the United Services Organisation announced yesterday’ — Tim

76 Years Ago Today

JOHN BARRYMORE SHUFFLED OFF HIS MORTAL COIL – MAY 29, 1942 A GREAT PROFILE OF THE GREAT PROFILE…… A COCK AND BULL STORY? According to Raoul Walsh’s autobiography: “(Raoul Walsh) snatched actor John Barrymore’s barely cold body from the (Pierce Brothers) funeral home and seated it on Errol Flynn’s sofa. ”Errol came in (from an intense session at the… (more…)

Memorial Day Salute

To our EFB Flynnmate Jack Marino, Writer & Director of FORGOTTEN HEROES, a magnificent tribute to veterans, and (at least to my knowledge) the only war film ever made with scenes filmed at Mulholland Farm. Bravo, Jack! “Jack, you have helped enhance the lives of our Nation’s military and veterans and I appreciate your efforts to honor these heroes” Your… (more…)

Shoe Story

A novel account of famous footwear. “The Duke of Windsor got his shoes there. Errol Flynn and Charlie Chaplin got their shoes there. It was the very pinnacle of cobbling.”…… — Tim

Opening Night – In Like Flynn!

“OPENING NIGHT FILM & PARTY (IN LIKE FLYNN) 29 June 6.30pm” @ The Royal Open Air Theater, in Winton, Queensland, Australia The Vision Splendid Outback Film Festival in ­Winton, central-west Queensland, from June 29-July 7.…… “The main venue is the Royal Open Air Theatre (pictured), celebrating its 100th birthday and the pride of a town that claims Waltzing Matilda… (more…)

All Time No. 1 Swashbuckler…… THE ADVENTURES OF ROBIN HOOD “Has there ever been a movie so perfectly cast and executed with so much conviction, professionalism, and joie de vivre? Shot in ravishing Technicolor, with magnificently authentic sets, The Adventures of Robin Hood encapsulates the magic of cinema, bringing 12th-century England to Hollywood with sunny California glades standing in for Sherwood Forest in a… (more…)

If Not for Joe Kennedy?

Questions are raised by the extract below from “Gloria Swanson: Ready for Her Closeup” regarding a possible affair between Lili and the Marquis Henri de la Felaise (James Henry Le Bailly de La Falaise, Marquis de La Coudraye) Gloria Swanson’s husband:…… Reports are that the Marquis was homesick for France and may have been looking for a French speaking… (more…)

Lili Dynamita

Lili D. was at this location when it caught fire and a bit later exploded. Where was she and who was she with?…… Number 2 marks the spot on this old map of Hollywood. — Tim


Eighty Years Ago Today – May 23, 1938 Errol’s thoughts on LIFE:…… Scroll through the issue:…… — Tim

Subpoena Duces Tecum…… — Tim