Monthly Archives: October 2019

Was Mulholland Farm Haunted? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ZACA Too??

The Adventures of Ozzie & Harriet’s Family at Mulholland Farm After Party Ghost List…… ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ More on the haunting of Mulholland in this video from 2:45 to 7:30 — Tim

10-4 Gary and Ralph!

                    I have a book before me now. Reminds me of another in terms of its exhaustive scope (though, obviously, on a smaller scale). This OTHER has the rather modest title captured in 3 words: The Film Encyclopedia… but continues beyond the cover for 1504 pages! And among other things, it garnered, this VERY special review: “ Wow! What a… (more…)

Un Errol Examen

Who was the American that witnessed Errol working on part of his autobiography in Mexico? Clues: 1. He or she wrote about it in their own autobiography. 2. In addition to him or her, there were three women present. 3. The circumstances were quite rare, (except perhaps for Senor Fleen himself.) 4. The person who witnessed it later became a… (more…)

Deaf to All Pleas — He’s Off to the South Seas

October 26, 1936 Harrison Carroll Hollywood Citizens News Deaf to all pleas, Errol Flynn will not put off his vacation to bask in the glory that is sure to be his after the release of The Charge of the Light Brigade. Hot or cold, he’ll leave about Nov. 18, and now threatens to be gone from Hollywood for six months… (more…)

Errol Flynn’s Other Jamaica Vanity Fair

— David DeWitt

Nice Collection & Errol Flynn Photo from Marilyn Hunte!

Thanks for sharing, Marilyn … — David DeWitt

Deep Sea Fishing Puzzler? Errol Flynn, or Howard Hill?

The Mail Bag brings this puzzler??? This picture, and a few others, have been linked to the 11-minute film, Deep Sea Fishing, with dates of the release of this short subject, anywhere from 1946 to 1954. There are supposedly some newspaper ads for the picture that listed, “starring Howard Hill,” not Errol Flynn. Is there any information on the actual film, showing a… (more…)

“A Little Different”

Recent remarks by President Trump complimenting Errol Flynn and Cary Grant at the 9th Annual Shale Insight Conference | Pittsburgh, PA David L. Lawrence Convention Center October 23, 2019 | 3:51 P.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT: “Dan Meuser. Thank you, Dan. Thank you, Dan. (Applause.) Thank you. That looks like Cary Grant, doesn’t he? Have you ever been told that, Dan?… (more…)

Mail Bag! Closer look at Robert de Cantelar’s Zaca Model!

Some closeups of the wood Robert de Cantelar’s Zaca Model is made of. It was made from wood taken from the Main Boom of the original Zaca … Thanks, Robert! — David DeWitt

Need Some Time Off To Run To The Bahamas … Errol Flynn!

Excuse me, I have to go … Nautilus Hotel: Miami Beach Hotel Windsor, Nassau, Bahamas: — David DeWitt