Monthly Archives: September 2013

“The Next Errol Flynn”?

We all, of course, know there will never be another Errol Flynn. He was just too unique and too impossible to duplicate. But there remains MUCH of his life that could and should be depicted on film. That being true, it could prove very productive to begin searching for someone who could successfully portray him in a major production. Last… (more…)

The old sport and the sea.

My dear fellow Flynn fans, there is news about our Hollywood hero on the waterfront! I came across  a German nautic magazine called Mare (“sea”), which was published in december of 2006. It features an article on Errol titled “Within the storm that was his life”. While there are little unknown facts for real fans, it finishes with an interview of Patrice Wymore- Flynn… (more…)

‘The Year of Living Dangerously’

There is mention of Errol in today’s Washington Post. There was an obituary of Christopher J. Koch, the author of  ‘ The Year of Living Dangerously’. Apparently, Mr. Koch’s mother went to high school in Tasmania with Errol Flynn. Mr. Koch later went to the same high school and sat at a desk in which Errol’s initials were carved. Later,… (more…)

Login to EFB now on iPhones & iPads!

You can now login to The Errol Flynn Blog on your iPhone or iPad after some work on the part of our blog host Pressharbor! I am making this posting via an iPhone. The extra WordPress security username has been set to errolflynn with password efb – this allows the single pop up on an iPhone or iPad to allow… (more…)

From the Errol Flynn Mailbag! Tiff Interview!

Send along by a dear pal in Australia show wishes to share but prefers no name be offered in thanks,  just now … he writes, in part: Hello David. I just stumbled upon this Q&A  conducted at the TIFF and wondered if you’d seen it. It’s another little piece of color in the fabric of the Flynn story… and a… (more…)

Hola from Chiki Jai

This past Saturday & Sunday being Independence Day Weekend in Mexico, Tijuana was the site of great festivities.  For this reason, I chose Saturday to visit the city in honor of  Errol’s great affection for and history South of the Border, in Old Mexico. First stop was Chiki Jai, where Senor Flynn dined & partied with the likes of Ava Gardner… (more…)

“The Last of Robin Hood”

My review of “The Last of Robin Hood” I saw the movie on Friday 13, 2013 at its world premier at the Toronto International Film Festival – TIFF. It is a great movie and very, very tastefully done and I had a ball! One has to appreciate that this is not a high budget film, we all knew that anyway… (more…)

From the Errol Flynn Mailbag! Hobart Webcam!

In this webcam is Salamanca Place and the pub on the corner has a stained glass picture of Errol.(not visible ) From this pub, its barely a 5 minute walk from where Errol was born.…….au/hosted_pages/webcams/webcam_salamanca.html Special Thanks to: Chris Driscoll   — David DeWitt

Errol in Acapulco

Going south of Baja some:  Here, on a cliff over Acapulco Bay, is the legendary Hollywood Gang’s legendary Hotel Los Flamingos, “where Errol Flynn tirelessly romanced …” .        — Tim

Mural for Errol @ “Flynn’s Inn”

Two years or so after working on scenic decoration for The Master of Ballentrae, mega-and-multi-talented visual artist Olga Lehmann painted the wonderful mural below for Errol’s place in Port Antonio, The Titchfield Hotel.  Any chance it has survived??  What a treasure it would be! [Click on Photo to Enlarge]     — Tim