Hola from Chiki Jai


This past Saturday & Sunday being Independence Day Weekend in Mexico, Tijuana was the site of great festivities.  For this reason, I chose Saturday to visit the city in honor of  Errol’s great affection for and history South of the Border, in Old Mexico.

First stop was Chiki Jai, where Senor Flynn dined & partied with the likes of Ava Gardner & Rita Hayworth.  Mr. Hemingway, too! As all at the restaurant enthusiastically agreed, wherever beautiful women gathered in Mexico, Flynn could be found – and where Flynn could be found, beautiful women would be found!

I have much more information regarding this wonderful research trip, but must do so later.  Suffice it to say for now, that Errol is still very much remembered and admired in Mexico!  (Plus I have an interesting personal story about a connection this restaurant has to a movie that was made in the Eighties.) … Hector, pictured above, sends his greetings and special invite to all on the

Errol Flynn Blog!

P.S.   As did Errol & Ernest, I had the paella & sangria.  Muy Sabroso!!

— Tim

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