Monthly Archives: December 2021


Dear Flynnmates, whatta ham. Enjoy, — shangheinz

We Welcome New Author Dave MacMillan to The Errol Flynn Blog!

It’s a great pleasure to Welcome Dave MacMillan to The Errol Flynn Blog as our Newest Author! — David DeWitt

Mulholland House

Dear Flynnmates, “How is all this?”, wondered Errol Flynn  in a home story for an architectural magazine about his new built house at 7740 Mulholland Drive. “I am still in my thirties and I am sitting on top of the world”. He refers to his new home as Mulholland House built in the style of Connecticut farmhouse and graciously offers… (more…)

Ho Ho Ho to Yo

Dear Flynnmates, we wish you all a very merroly Christmas and a happy`n`healthy New Year. Enjoy, — shangheinz


Dear Flynnmates, since Hitler did not only wage war on the world, but on Warner Bros. too, Errol`s movies were banned in most of Europe until 1945. Once released they instantly became huge successes. In 1951 Flynn was awarded the “Bambi”, a feline golden statuette, for favorite screen actor in Germany of that year. This may even have prompted him… (more…)

Three and a Half Women

— shangheinz

Robin Hood Errol Flynn with Longbow!

— David DeWitt

Errol Flynn, Ready for Anything!

— David DeWitt

Rory Flynn with her Father Errol Flynn!

— David DeWitt

Errol Flynn and Rita Hayworth!

— David DeWitt