Category Archives: Errol Front Page Magazines

Sixty-Six Years Ago Quiz

Sixty-six years ago Errol selected the cover photo for a magazine because it reminded him of the location depicted below. Where is the location and why was it memorable to him?? Added Friday 10 p.m. EST — Tim

The Sartorial Flynn

Inspired by the keen observations of timerider – and with his kindly “Carry on, Old Boy” blessing – I hereby start a post for all to post your all time favorite images of Errol at his sartorial best, most fun, interesting, unique, and/or ahead of his time. I expect all of us will have multiple, even numerous favorites. As timerider… (more…)

Errol’s “Mon Film” Mag Cover

                  Here is another one of Errol’s “Mon Film” Mag Covers but, unfortunately I can’t find the date of when this issue of this magazine came out. Could someone help me with this. — Mary Ann

Errol’s “Mon Film” Magazine Cover from 1947

This is Errol’s “Mon Film” Magazine Cover from 1947. — Mary Ann

Mon Film!

He looks smashing! Thanks to Mary Ann it is the Magazine from 1953! — Tina

Picture Play June 1938

— Inga

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