Monthly Archives: April 2024

Errol Flynn’s Relatives in Sligo, Ireland?

The Mail bag brings a request by Errol’s daughter Rory Flynn: She writes – “My grandfather‘s brother lives in Ireland (one of them) the other lives in Sydney that I know (if they’re still alive), and I know they have children but I’m just wondering if anybody has any connections to Sligo, Ireland … and knows of any of the… (more…)

Errol Flynn Vacation Time in July, 1937

After completing filming of The Perfect Specimen in mid-July, Errol will spend the next month vacationing on his yawl Cheerio 2, with a few adventures along the way…and no Lily. — Topper

Errol Flynn’s South American Trip, June 1940!

Errol, along with Johnny Meyer, press agent for Warner Bros., begins his South American Tour that is sanctioned by Warner’s as a good will tour. Newspapers, fan magazines, telegrams and even radio broadcasts and shows provided a variety of times, places and events. A map is provided to try and consolidate the where and when of Errol’s visits. (you can… (more…)

Errol Flynn and a Busy December, 1935

 After a portrait shoot … then traveling to New York City with wife Lily (Lili, if you prefer) … and all of the fanfare for the premiere of Captain Blood in three cities, including parties, restaurants and publicity stops … Errol’s month of December was filled to the brim with activities and excitement. Enjoy! — Topper

Errol Flynn and the Backslap Case Bahamas March 1952!

The “backslap” case against Duncan McMartin that took place in the Bahamas in mid-March, 1952 To set the scene, we will begin about mid-February while Errol is in Los Angeles recuperating from a fractured bone in his foot. He was injured during the filming of AGAINST ALL FLAGS on Feb. 1st. The foot was placed in a cast and Errol… (more…)

IN MEMORIAM: SEAN LESLIE FLYNN: 5/31/1941-04/06/1970