Monthly Archives: October 2008

the rat race

Linc and David, this one's especially for you.– but for you other guys too. When I was writing Googie's I left out a few things re my time at EF's house.  Mainly because they weren't that exciting, I felt, or particulary savory or enhancing of EF's image — which I refuse to soil.  Also, the book was growing longer and… (more…)

Interview: Cecil B DeMille, Errol and Olivia on Lux Radio Theatre

Posted to Blog Videos!

Sadikichi Hartmann

Found this, thought you might find it interesting, he is buried in Royal Palm South cemetery in St. Petersburg, Florida. …

Cuba Story Insert… say what?

The insert in the Cuban Story DVD is, to say the least… horribly incorrect! Read the insert here… Beverly Aadland gambling with Flynn in Cuba during the shooting of Cuban Story and CRG's, no doubt… This is a scene included in Cuban Story… proving how wrong the writer's of the insert were! — David DeWitt

Cuba Story Cover

— David DeWitt

Cuban Story – 1958, the Intro and Outro with Errol.

Just prepared and uploaded a video which is the clipped intro and outro of Cuban Story. It's in the Blog Videos, here. Russ — Russ McClay

Steve Hayes – Googies Coffee Shop to the Stars Review!

Googie’s was a Hollywood hotspot that seemed to disappear, but for film fans

David Niven on Merv Griffin – Higham Reference

David Niven on Merv Griffin circ 1981 with a Charles Higham reference… Robert Blake is a pain without knowing that Niv is terminally ill… Niven on Merv Griffin… Check out Related Videos for Orson Welles and others… Tip of the hat to our Author Bob Peckinpaugh… — David DeWitt

Don't Bet on Blondes – Warren William

A small part for a familiar face…