Monthly Archives: July 2018

Sailors compete in 41st race…… Great story about race they say the yacht a 42 foot wooden yawl named Cheerioo 11 once belonged to Errol. Is this right. Is this the Zaca renamed. Genene. — tassie devil

In Like Flynn -Film Showing-…… — twinarchers

We Welcome New Author Claudia Raab to the Errol Flynn Blog!

I am pleased to announce Claudia Raab as our newest Author on The Errol Flynn Blog! It only took a little bit of arm twisting … We look forward to your postings and comments Claudia! Welcome aboard! — David DeWitt

Mail Bag! A Flynn State of Mind!

This comes from our chum Claudia Raab and expresses a great idea:   Hi David, Hope all is well. A couple of days ago I had an interesting conversation with a friend who also loves to travel to the U.S. and she told me that she has succeeded in visiting all States at least once. After this talk I started… (more…)

Dr. Flynn

Eighty-two years ago this week … Eight years ago when adventuresome Errol Flynn, now Warner’s new film rave, represented the British Government at New Guinea, one of his many odd duties was to act as physician and surgeon. When a native named Joe Speedie appeared at headquarters with a gangrenous toe as a result of having been bitten by a… (more…)


By Errol Flynn Woman’s World – March 1939 “All my life I’ve fought fear, because I believe it is the only real menace to a man’s hopes and peace of mind.” — Tim


“Take DC Comics’ ‘Green Arrow’ and drop him in medieval times and you have a fairly accurate description of what the newest Hollywood take on the bow-wielding legend looks like.” ““Robin Hood”, starring Taron Egerton, Jamie Foxx and Jamie Dornan, makes the hero-robber into a high-adrenaline action flick.” “This fall’s “Hood” coincides with the 80th anniversary of “The Adventures of… (more…)

The Flynns Were In

In Southern California from Northern Ireland, sailing on the Sirocco, 79 years ago, ~ July 20, 1939. Rosemary, Errol, Lili, Professor Flynn, and Marelle. The Professor was on summer break as Dean of Sciences Faculty at Queens University in Belfast. — Tim

‘Time feels right ‘ for rebrand and new name says independent Northampton cinema ???… — tassie devil

5 best Robin Hood Movies…… This page has write ups four 5 Robin Hood Movies It is below the story about Robin Williams The first part is the most interesting. But if you want to read it all. Please do. Genene — tassie devil