Monthly Archives: October 2014

Pool Teaser: Could This Be It?

— Delvan

Bev’s Birthday Party

Another pic.  AND… I was wrong about it being at CIRO’S!  Robert Florczak has let me know that Bev’s party was actually at Villa Frascati.  Thanks, man!!! PS:  We have a 99% confirmation on the pool that we’ve been discussing in the posts before.  Compared pics and it appears to be the same.  Not the Knickerbocker!!!  More very soon! —… (more…)

Otto (Again)

Found the pic.  Can’t give credits because I have no idea where I got this. — Delvan

Errol’s Engagement To Naomi Dibbs

From the Sidney Morning Herald; January 24, 1931. — Delvan

Speaking Of Pools

Would love to know where this one was.  French Equitorial Africa perhaps? — Delvan

Otto 2

I believe that’s him in the upper right at Bev’s party at Ciro’s. — Delvan

Our Man in Havana’s Old Hangout

— Tim

Last of Robin Hood 1

In return for helping, I had the chance to spend 3 days in filming of the movie in Atlanta.  Aadlanda (daughter), Ron (husband), Kevin (step-son) and I were all there and you can find us if you know where to look!  A hint:  in addition to one of the first airport reporters, I’m this guy (yes, they did my hair… (more…)

Otto, Bev and Errol

In response to the September 8th, 2011 post about Otto Reichow: He was a friend of Flynn’s; maybe more closely in the end than others.  Bev, Errol, Otto and his lady were at the much-publicized pool photos mentioned (minus the Caldough photos at the same pool for LIFE MAGAZINE).  They were having fun when a paparazzi was there taking pics.… (more…)


Glad to be aboard.  Thanks, Dave, for the efforts to keep our friends memory alive.  Just a bit about me beforehand, if OK?  Collected EF “stuff” for decades; ended up meeting some of the Flynn fanatics, including family and one of the greatest guys you’d have the privilege of knowing (Lincoln Hurst).  Long story short:  ended up meeting Woodsie after… (more…)