Monthly Archives: June 2014

Errol Takes a Dive

I had the great fortune this evening to meet with my cousin Bob, whose father, my Uncle Gene, was the man who told me back in the early Seventies about Errol Flynn giving him and his shipmates in San Diego a show they’d never forget. Here are the details, all (again) verified tonight. Uncle Gene was in San Diego with… (more…)

News about Last of Robin Hood

from Robert…… Enjoy! And don’t forget to go to the cinema! (And pledge for a German version…) In case the above link does not work:…… — Inga

Dancing on The Zaca: “Keep Playing That Song”

Errol Inspires the Great Andy Hamilton Out of a Coma to Play This Flynnian Calypso Jazz Treasure : Andy Hamilton Silvershine:… Here are accounts of his “extraordinary vision” of Errol “dancing on the Zaca”:……… His legacy continues:… — Tim

No Two-Bit Boat is This

— Tim

On this special day … let us remember young Errol in his own words …

“Looking at myself subjectively, I see myself, secretly, as a rather swell guy. Sure, I make allowances for myself. I find excuses for all the things I have done which I ought not to have done and vice versa. I can make the amends honorable (to myself) for all my sins. But outwardly, I can only see myself as a… (more…)

Happy Birthday Errol!

Born June 20, 1909 [Posted Tasmanian Time] Queen Alexandra Hospital Battery Point, Hobart Tasmania, Australia Errol Flynn Reserve (Formerly Short Beach) Battery Point, Sandy Bay — Tim

Now That Dress Down Day is Over – It’s Dress UP Day!

Now That Dress Down Day is Over,  It’s  Dress Up Day – Starring Errol’s Girl.  As Always, All Invited & Encouraged to Participate! How About Maid Marion?  Ain’t She Sweet!   See How She Dressed Up … For Our Guy Errol  (As Opposed to That Other Guy – of Gisbourne) Which of Her Outfits were Your Favorites? Which Do You Think Errol Liked… (more…)

Lili, Errol and a ship with two actors.

I went on Youtube inspired by the Lili film and found the short we have all seen on Catalina Island in color. Fast forwarded it and the shot with Cary Grant and Randolph Scott they have a ship on their table at about 4:20 in and I think its the same ship someone posted here weeks ago thinking it was… (more…)

A Kitty Packard Pictorial of Errol Flynn

Hello Flynn Fans! I thought I post this link as it is a very nice write-up about Errol.…… Enjoy! — Tina

We Are Robin’s Cohort…

  A Blog Is A Community.     Are We a User-Generated Fan Site for All Errol’s Fans?   Our Motto:  Never Let Errol Down!     — errolsfan1130