Monthly Archives: September 2016


? — Tim

Looking for Mr. Redfern

Whatever happened to Errol’s search for Paul Redfern? Is it a riddle wrapped in a mystery?………… — Tim

The Clinton Family Film Festival

(No, not that Clinton Family) Proudly Presents: “The Reckless Rogue Who Saved the Throne” (Yes, that Reckless Rogue – as described in the trailer linked below):……… — Tim

Flynn Gets Out of Dodge

A Week in the Life of Errol Flynn, September 1938 Los Angeles Evening Herald Express Harrison Carrol Reporting September 21, 1938 “Unless Errol Flynn has another brainstorm between now and then, he’ll play host on a three-week yachting trip to fellow players in Dawn Patrol. The party on the Sirocco will include Donald Crisp, Edmund Goulding, David Niven and Michael… (more…)

Around the World on Zaca

Chasing the Sun …. for 354 Days and more than 27,000 Miles Before there was Flynn There was Crocker Both sailed the world on The Zaca Here is a first class magazine article on Zaca’s first class circumnavigation of the world in 1931: — Tim

Mail Bag! Pirate Party!

We received in the Mail Bag this great photo of Bob Peckinpaugh at a Pirate Party visit from Tom McNulty (and Jan, Queen of the Pirates!) Both old Pirates were original founding members of The Errol Flynn Blog … Thanks, Mates! — David DeWitt

Errol @ Elmo’s – Freddie in France @ Florence’s… “Florence’s reputation was made when some disgruntled suitors beat up Freddy McEvoy, a playboy friend of Errol Flynn’s, in the club’s bathroom after Freddy refused to pay them their share for introducing Barbara Hutton to Count Raventlow, whom she subsequently married.” Here’s Barbara and the Count: And here’s Chez Florence. Before Bricky Smith and Josephine Baker, there was Florence… (more…)

Move Over Mussolini…… — Tim


Dear fellow Flynn fans, Picking up Gentlebard Tim`s thread on errolyric:…… I challenge you now to enter your very own limerick on our Hollywood hero, his friends and woes. According to Wikipedia, the standard form of a limerick is a stanza of five lines, with the first, second and fifth rhyming with one another and having three feet of… (more…)

Ride To The Sound Of The Guns

Wanted to know a bit more on this guy and found that they used an existing painting instead of having the art department make one up. At least I think so. Link: Ride to the Sound of the Guns — twinarchers