Category Archives: How to Post

How to Post Articles!

— David DeWitt


Would our esteemed and wonderful authors please choose at least one or two additional categories for your Posts? It will help readers find posts related to a particular area of interest. Just tick a second, third, or more category name where your post might fit! It would help me a lot, and be much appreciated. If you have a category… (more…)

How to Add Photos to Posts!

These are the steps to add Photos to your Posts if you are an Author on this blog like the one above. On the Add New Post page, add your title to your new post. Click the Add Media button on your toolbar. Click Upload files in the Media Library. Click Select Files. Select Source from your device. Select an… (more…)

New YouTube Pluggin added!

On your Author toolbar above the Posting window you’ll see a new link to brouse for and add relevant YouTube videos to your posts! Best used in the Visual tab, I think. Let me know if you have any problems with it in your browser?   — David DeWitt

How to insert a text link into your post!

Turn those long ugly urls into text links! [embedyt][/embedyt] — David DeWitt


— David DeWitt

How to Post to this Blog

If you have POSTING PRIVILEGES on this blog: Sign in with your Username and Password. What follows is what was written on the former location of The Errol Flynn Blog but applies here, as well.  It will be edited and added to as time permits. Attachements are allowed inside your posts. Please understand that this blog does not provide virus… (more…)