Monthly Archives: December 2022

Mail Bag! Prince Errol Flynn!

In the Mail Bag comes this note from Isabel Australis: Did I tell you that I researched the Irish king’s, and found that Niall the last one, had 66 children! DNA has proved that anyone named Flynn, or O’Neill and one or two others,  are descended from him- Prince Errol Flynn!!! Thanks, Isabel! — David DeWitt

Meet the Flamitas

Dear Flynnstones, the power couple of Errol Flynn and Tiger Lil‘ ranked top on the Hollywood Helter Skelter-scale during their turbulent marriage. Here’s the high and lowdown:…… Never mind Lili Damita’s wrong birthdate and the usual Higham-BS insinuations. Enjoy,     — shangheinz

Geek Petite

Dear Flynnstones, this is Errol with his fiancée in spe Princess Irene Ghica at some soirée. A little knack for royalty almost got him married to this fragile beauty:…… Enjoy, — shangheinz

Quick with a Smoke

Dear Flynnstones, now how about this lonesome, handsome and then some cowboy! Enjoy, — shangheinz

Purrfect Voice for Radio

Dear Flynnstones, see Errol prepare his lines with host Conrad Nagel for the program „For richer, for richer“ on the CBS Silver Theatre show dated Dec. 7 1941. Enjoy,   — shangheinz

Gentleman Flynn

Dear Flynnstones, witness Geisha Man Errol Flynn greeting Japanese actress Izumi Yukimura gently on June 21st of 1957 during the Berlinale, where she entered the competition with the film Arashi. Enjoy,   — shangheinz

A Ship Mast with a View

Dear Flynnstones, high above you see what Errol saw when he mounted the mast of his beloved ZACA like in the iconic photograph below.     The overview pic is from William Beebe‘s book “Zaca Venture“ recently featured on the blog. Enjoy,   — shangheinz

The Zaca before Errol Flynn!

Before Errol Flynn owned the Zaca the ship had an adventurous life. All recorded here in ZACA VENTURE … The Zaca is a two masted black diesel schooner, one hundred and eighteen feet over all, with a gross tonnage of eighty four; Templeton Crocker is her owner, tanned a pleasant ochraceous tawny, five feet ten over all, with a refined… (more…)

Mail Bag! Debunking Errol Flynn’s Beam Ends!

Our great friend Jan van der Vliet sends a link to an article debunking Errol Flynn’s book Beam Ends from the the Australian newspaper The Bulletin written by Frank Clune a contemporary of Flynn. Scroll to IMAGE NUMBER 50 … Thanks, Jan!…… — David DeWitt

Mail Bag! Juliet Greco Gravesite Visit!

Another Mail Bag item from Debby Phielix From her recent visit to Paris. Debby found the grave of Juliet Greco and sends us a couple of pictures! Debby writes: Here are my photo’s of the grave of Juliette Gréco. You can post them on the mainblog if you want. Juliette Gréco was and still is well loved in France. With… (more…)