Monthly Archives: December 2013

Happy Birthday, Steve Hayes!

We honor writer/actor/producer Steve Hayes Borthday today on The Errol Flynn Blog! Steve turns 83 today, and finds himself a bestselling author on Amazon Kindle for many of his print edition westerns and mystery novels as 2013 comes to a close. As many of you know, Steve knew Errol Fynn personally, and stayed as a houseguest at Mulholland Farm while… (more…)

Who is in this photo with Errol?

— David DeWitt

Under the Mistletoe – A Christmas Kiss from ELF

 ERROL IN THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT  … Tis’ the Season to Be Jolly! Happy Holidays to All! — Tim

Dodge City Premiere

Just found this on youtube, I think it has not been posted before: — Inga

Errol Flynn Auction Items!

Click the picture to look! Thanks to Karl Holmberg! — David DeWitt

Quiz Time!

What is the name of this boat? — David DeWitt

Mailbag! The EF Brand on the EF Ranch!

From our mail bagbag comes a couple of pictures taken recently at the Errol Flynn Ranch in Port Antonio, Jamaica.Thanks to Robb Callahan for sending them along to us … He also let’s us know it is Pat Wymore’s birthday, today! — David DeWitt


Is this who should play Very Young Errol in the next big EF Bio-Pic? I think his Dad Orlando would say so. — Tim

Actress Joan Fontaine Dies at 96

Olivia Dehavilland’s sister has passed away at age 96 … — David DeWitt

Desperate Journey-Then & Now

Here are some newer Then & Now shots, with corresponding screen grabs from the film. I have often found that it would require a higher vantage point, perhaps a ladder or platform, to accurately line up shots with the original scenes, but I think these serve to give a reasonable idea of filming at this location (which is private). In… (more…)