Monthly Archives: June 2007

AFI dunderheads and one visionary at Entertainment Weekly…

The American Film Institute squandered another opportunity to list one of Errol Flynn’s films on their latest “Greatest Films of All Time” list. I wasn’t surprised to see that such classics as CAPTAIN BLOOD, THE CHARGE OF THE LIGHT BRIGADE, THE ADVENTURES OF ROBIN HOOD or THE SEA HAWK (to name a few) are missing because it’s been obvious to… (more…)

Happy Birthyday, Errol…

Happy Birthday, Errol Flynn! To celebrate, I have partnered with Verizon and Sonopia to provide a new cell phone brand: Zaca Wireless!   — David DeWitt

Tom McNulty's Life and Career of Errol Flynn on…

Click the bookcover to see how you can get this book at my Shop@coffeewithdavid! — David DeWitt

Search for Errol Flynn on AMAZON.COM…

Look for all the best Errol Flynn stuff on……! — David DeWitt

Reader TGMISFIT please contact us?

TGMISFIT, please CONTACT US for Administrative reasons? Under the category tree on the right side of the blog you will find the Contact Us page! Thanks, Chum! — David DeWitt


CONTACT US! New Readers: Please email us after you sign up. Your blog Subscriber privileges are set automatically by the Blog software. Members become Authors on this blog by invitation only. You may be invited to become an author in a variety of ways. Posting comments frequently, and being involved in the blog and our subject grabs my attention. It… (more…)

The Errol Flynn Blog Welcomes New Author Deb!

One of the first people I encountered on the net in searches for information about Errol… was Deb! Look for her further contributions here on the blog and check out her excellent work at AnE Vibe! Welcome to the Errol Flynn Blog Deb!   — David DeWitt