Monthly Archives: April 2013

Yes – he was a He-Man!

A very nice article about Errol! — Tina

Look at this…

— Inga

More from the Mailbag! Martha O’Driscoll & Errol Flynn USO tour!

In the mailbag, also, today: Greetings Dave, My name is Russell Ries Jr. from Nashville, TN. I collect old photographs & WWII-related items. I recently purchased an entire collection of photos taken by one soldier during WWII. Apparently the guy was with the Army Corps of Engineers and was stationed in some place cold where all they did was build… (more…)

From the Mailbag: Gentelman Jim Original Posters!

As you know, we get some very interesting mail at the EFB: today, I am sharing with you emails from Belinda Holloway in Tasmania (I have combined two emails into one and reproduce them here with her kind permission): Hi David! I have an original framed poster of Errol Flynn and Alexis Smith in “Gentleman Jim” which was printed in… (more…)

Errol Flynn MC of “Gulf Screen Guild Radio Show” 1939

— David DeWitt

WordPress Login!

You will see a new security feature when you  log in to WordPress on the EFB. I received an email about this and many of you may have as well – but if you didn’t, this is happening because WordPress is tired of all the hacking attempts. So you will see a box pop up, and it assigns you a… (more…)

Heir debonaire

Dear fellow Flynn fans, I came across this picture in a japanese film book about Peter O`Toole. It`s from the film “My favorite year”,  which you may be well familiar with and I have yet to see. From my point of view this other great actor got Errol`s facial expression down to a T. — shangheinz


Today 43 years ago, Sean Flynn, son of Errol along with his friend and fellow combat photojournalist Dana Stone while covering the war in Vietnam rode their bikes along a road in Cambodia, were captured by factions of the NVA and Khmer Rouge and were never heard from again. While their remains have never been found there still remains hope… (more…)

April 2013 issue of the Rock-itt Magazine!

Hi Rock-itt Readers! The April issue of The Rock-itt magazine is online and ready for you to enjoy. Please click on the link below to go straight to all northern beaches music, entertainment, sport and animal rights. The Rock-itt magazine Cheers Pete — David DeWitt