More from the Mailbag! Martha O’Driscoll & Errol Flynn USO tour!

In the mailbag, also, today:

Greetings Dave,

My name is Russell Ries Jr. from Nashville, TN. I collect old photographs & WWII-related items. I recently purchased an entire collection of photos taken by one soldier during WWII. Apparently the guy was with the Army Corps of Engineers and was stationed in some place cold where all they did was build roads. So most of the photos aren’t really all that interesting.

However, within the stack I did find this photo of a beautiful couple:


Martha O'Driscoll & Errol Flynn (circa 1943?) entertain in Alaska during a USO Tour

Martha O’Driscoll & Errol Flynn (circa 1943?) entertain in Alaska during a USO Tour


Thanks, Russell!

— David DeWitt

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