Where it all began!

No sooner Captain Blood hit the cinemas Errol dabbled already in Texas Gold! Oil that is, black gold, Texas tea! January 22. 1936 Hurray, I did it! Finally! — Tina

Why was Errol maligned so much?

Why was Errol maligned so much by the media and some authors alike? All because of womanizing or his practical jokes? What otherwise did he do so wrong to deserve all this slander and mockery he had to endure? He never attacked anybody unless he defended himself. He was a great charmer! He had great manners! He did no real… (more…)

Unusual Pictures of Errol!

Has ever anybody seen this picture of Errol? from the July1939 Modern Screen Magazine Enjoy! — Tina

Another little quiz!

While we are exchanging knowledge about Errol’s idiosyncrasies here is another quiz: In which movie did Errol mentioned a name, which existed for real in his private life? — Tina

A little Quiz!

In which of Errol’s movies is an important private date of him of significance? Happy guessing! — Tina

Uncork Errol…..

I am sure you are all aware that TCM has started a WINE CLUB, which goes well to toast a movie in particular ‘The Adventures of Don Juan’. So very innocent – entirely innocent I am! This is such a wonderful picture, which I love very much! How nice of TCM to especially advertise a wine for Errol and his movie,… (more…)

The transformation – how was it done?

I always wondered what do movie studios do to transform their new contract players into stars? Has anybody any ideas? Errol arriving in Hollywood: From this: To this: — Tina


Hello all Errol fans! I found this excellent and truthful biography written by Meredith Grau of Errol and I thought you just might enjoy it as much as I did! Errol Flynn: swashbuckler, rascal, swaggering screen star with a sinful dose of sex-appeal. I incorporated a lot of S’s into that description in order to produce the steaming hot alliteration… (more…)

Errol’s Fans Quote:

Lets keep Errol’s Fun-Mail alive! I thought it would be nice to make a collection of Errol Fans quotations and their thoughts, in particular what movie lovers think of Errol in todays day and age. I posted the full movie of ‘Santa Fe Trail’ and found these quotes under the comments. As these comments are from within the last month… (more…)

Errol honored on TCM!

Last night I saw on TCM to my great surprise and enormous pleasure, Rory Flynn honoring her father with an outstanding and wonderful presentation! TCM presents such remembering productions of stars from time to time, narrated by the stars children or another star. I am sure you have seen these presentations of Henry Fonda, Tony Curtis, Jack Lemmon, Gary Cooper,… (more…)

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