Errol’s Fans Quote:

Lets keep Errol’s Fun-Mail alive!
I thought it would be nice to make a collection of Errol Fans quotations and their thoughts, in particular what movie lovers think of Errol in todays day and age.
I posted the full movie of ‘Santa Fe Trail’ and found these quotes under the comments. As these comments are from within the last month I got the idea for this post.
I always love to read those great comments about Errol and maybe so do you and our visitors might just too?
I hope you find great quote of Errol from the past few years and post them here too!

Thomas Östman 1 month ago – August 19, 2015
there’s many good old Pictures here on the tube. Most of J. Wayne and other old stars from the golden age of Hollywood. Errol Flynn not so many of his though. Why probably because his Pictures are attractive on dvd.s…..The others ..Wayne..Fonda..Gable..Cooper and so on are largely forgotten now….but Errol is still bankable…..Time shows WHOs the greatest I presume.
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Phillip Anderson 21 hours ago – September 18, 2015
ain’t that a fact brother.
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— Tina

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