Just Who Am I?

Richard Schulz, Mi. USA I am on Facebook, www.facebook.com…… Just had a thought as to who we all are here. I used to go by Hotwinds but changed. My wife is a Gemini and I am Sagittarius. The Twins and The Archer. Hotwinds sounded better than hot air. Now I have stuck with Twinarchers. Been a fan since the 1960’s… (more…)

Patrice Or Anna?

[embedyt] www.youtube.com…… — twinarchers

Can This Be Patrice Wymore Or Anna Neagle ?

— twinarchers

In Like Flynn Film

I never read the book but I enjoyed the film and so did my wife. See it in the theater before it goes away. — twinarchers

Flynn Talks ( a bit) about William Tell.

[embedyt] www.youtube.com…… — twinarchers

In Like Flynn 2018

Well it is now 2019 and there is no info on this film that I can find except that now IMDB has increased the budget to 20 mill from 10 mill. I know they released it in Australia but that’s it. What gives? — twinarchers

December 18 Release.

No info on this yet. Lets hope they gave it a proper shake down. — twinarchers

Trailer is up.

www.youtube.com…… — twinarchers

In Like Flynn -Film Showing-

www.visionsplendidfilmfest.com…… — twinarchers

In Like Flynn

Just found this on Instagram. — twinarchers

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