Category Archives: Prof. T.T. Flynn

To Those Who Knew Him When…

May 3, 1939 Wireless Weekly Glamor Man of Screen Errol Flynn Is Real Life Adventurer An Unbiased Biography To those Sydney people “who knew him when,” the screen success of Errol Flynn is just another adventurous lucky break of this incredibly adventurous but capable lad. Flynn’s “official” biography, as set down by himself and his employers, runs counter at several… (more…)

On the Sixth Day of Christmas 🎁x6

On December 30, 1959 …… Professor Flynn gave to the world: My Son, Errol! My Son, Errol DASHING, swashbuckling Errol Flynn as he appeared with Eddie Albert in the film “TheSun Also Rises.” It was Errol’s charm, his father says, which got him into trouble. To most of the world the late Errol Flynn was known as a roistering, philandering… (more…)

Tribute to T. T. Flynn, Ph.D.

October 11, 1883 – October 24, 1968 Tasmania’s First Professor of Biology…… Thank you very much to Philip for his previous posting of the audio above on the EFB. — Tim

Happy Birthday, Mr. Flynn!

… Born October 11, 1883, in Coraki, New South Wales — Tim

Storm at Sea

September 22, 1946 LOS ANGELES SPECIAL TO THE MINNEAPOLIS TRIBUNE Men, Women and Yachts Don’t Mix Errol Flynn is reported by some quarters to be a direct descendant of Fletcher Christian, the man who started the mutiny on the Bounty. Mrs. Nora Eddington Flynn, his youthful bride, is believed in other quarters to be a direct descendant of Capt. Bligh,… (more…)

Zaca Cruises into San Diego

August 13, 1946 After Setting Sail Out of Balboa: The Zaca cruised into San Diego to load dredges, seines, dipnets, lobster traps, gill nets, microscope, aquariums, sorting trays, jars, preservatives, and smaller paraphenalia, collected by prominent Scripps Institute Professor Carl Hubbs for the scientific explorations and studies on what later became known as “Cruise of the Zaca” Errol’s arrival was… (more…)

Setting Sail Out of SoCal

August 12, 1946 – Errol’s Cruise of the Zaca begins in Balboa, via La Jolla to Guadalupe Island, Mexico, then, per the map below, along the Baja to Acapulco, through the Canal and the Caribbean to Flynnland in Port Antonio, Jamaica. — Tim

Cruisin’ with Professor Flynn

July 21, 1946 – New York Times “Errol Flynn’s Father Here For Expedition” … “Theodore Thomson Flynn, Professor of Zoology at Queens College, Belfast, Ireland, and the father of Errol Flynn, screen actor, arrived yesterday on the United States liner Washington, which docked at Pier 62, North River, from Le Havre, Southampton and Cobh.” Cruisin’ on United States liner Washington… (more…)

Father Flynn’s First Visit to Hollywood

July 15, 1939 — Tim

A Mom and Pop Story — Starring Olivia de Havilland

April 22, 1938 Harrison Carroll In Belfast, Olivia de Havilland spent a day with Errol Flynn’s parents. His father, a professor of biology at Queen’s University, still isn’t sold on Flynn’s acting career. He told Olivia he wishes that Errol would give up the cinema, return to Ireland, and take up a more serious profession. Warners would be satisfied if… (more…)