Category Archives: Brian Twist

Mail Bag! Brian Twist’s Classic Film Posters and Movie Art!

Brian Twist is one of the old hands in all things Errol Flynn! He writes today that he has launched a (terrific looking) new website of classic film posters and movie art and I want to share it with everybody! He also has a new Facebook page: MOVIE SCENE … Check out MOVIE SCENE on Facebook, too. Thanks, Bri! —… (more…)

Dear Errol Flynn …

From  Brian Twist at our Facebook version of the blog: — David DeWitt

Well wishes for the Legendary RICK DODD!

In a personal email to me from our own Brian Twist, Bri tells me the new about the legendary Rick Dodd. Brian explains this news so well that I am quoting him here for us all… “One other thing David – I would appreciate it greatly if you could post something at the blog about Rick Dodd. I rang Rick… (more…)