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Errol Flynn's Great Big Adventure Book for Boys by Rob George was first performed by The Stage Company, Adelaide, South Australia in 1978.
From the website:
Performances will be at Princess May Theatre in Fremantle from 11 to 26 July 2008.
Described as “A musical comic book look at the comic book life of Australian film legend Errol Flynn from childhood in Hobart through white slave trader in New Guinea and finally to tragic Hollywood has-been”, the play is “taken almost entirely from official records and Flynn's own writing. (It) explores the love/hate relationship Flynn had with his own screen image, and the way that he was both encouraged and condemned in it”. “Rob George’s excellent script does this with humour, sadness, and rage.”
Princess May Theatre
Rob George
Peter Nettleton
Harbour Theatre presents…
Harbour Theatre, Fremantle's only and original community theatre for over 40 years, is proud to present: “Errol Flynn's Great Big Adventure Book for Boys”
by Rob George
Directed by Peter Nettleton
(A Community Theatre production by Kind Permission of Prospect Productions Pty Ltd)
The West Australian premiere of “ERROL FLYNN’S GREAT BIG ADVENTURE BOOK FOR BOYS” by prolific Australian playwright, actor, director and producer Rob George is Harbour Theatre’s 3rd
season for 2008. Directed for Harbour Theatre by Peter Nettleton, this play was first produced in 1978 by the Stage Company, South Australia 1978 and went on to win the Festival Times Best Play award at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in 1979.
It is a musical comic book look at the comic book life of Australian film legend Errol Flynn from childhood in Hobart Tasmania to white slave trader in New Guinea and finally to tragic Hollywood has-been. Taken almost entirely from official records and Flynn's own writing, the play explores the love/hate relationship Flynn had with his own screen image, and the way that he was both encouraged and condemned in it. Director Peter Nettleton says that if you know nothing about Errol Flynn or want to know more then this is a must see show.
The multi-talented cast features Tony Clarke of Attadale as Errol Flynn and Katherine English of Hilton as Lois Tudor who is attempting to interview Errol during the 1950’s when his shining star was on the wane. As he relates his story various aspects and episodes from his life are re-enacted with the help of John Forde of Mosman Park, Kirstie Chorley of Beaconsfield, Sherrilee Walsh of Ballajura, John Deasy of Fremantle, Norma Holmes of Coolbellup and Matt Cuccovia of White Gum Valley who take on many of the characters that Errol encountered during his turbulent and at times, troubled life. The cast is supported by musicians Geoff Stainton of Willagee on bass, Dave Hale of Melville on drums and Enzo Piscitelli of East Fremantle on guitar.
“Errol Flynn was a very “naughty” boy during his life as detailed in his autobiography “My Wicked, Wicked Ways, says director Peter Nettleton, so expect this play to contain adult themes and strong language. However, there will be plenty of songs and sadness, laughter and gags that were so typical of his life.”
Cast (in order of appearance):
Errol Flynn: Tony Clarke
Lois Tudor: Katherine English
Supporting characters played by: John Forde, John Deasy, Matt Cuccovia, Kirstie
Chorley, Sherrilee Walsh, Peter Nettleton
Stage Manager: Brian Mahoney
Singer: Norma Holmes
Drums: Enzo Piscitelli
Guitar : Dave Hale
Bass: Geoff Stainton
The Princess May Theatre
Fremantle Education Centre
Cnr Cantonment & Parry Streets Fremantle, AU
(next to Clancy’s Fish Pub).
July 18th, 19th, 21st, 23rd, 25th & 26th 2008.
Doors open at 7.30pm, with curtain up at 8:00pm sharp.
MATINEE: Sunday July 20th, commencing at 2pm
PARKING: Please allow sufficient time to secure parking before the show to avoid disappointment as you will not be allowed into the theatre once the curtain is up.
BOCS Ticketing: (08) 9484 1133 /….au
Fax Bookings: 9486 1711
Outside Metro Area: 1800 193 300
NOTE: Transaction Fees Apply when booking through
— David DeWitt