Monthly Archives: July 2007

We welcome New Author Ernst to The Errol Flynn Blog!

We are happy to announce the latest New Author on the blog, Ernst! Check out his Peter's EF Club! We are all looking forward to your comments and thoughts about that dear Ol' Boy, Flynn!   — David DeWitt

We welcome New Author Becky to the Errol Flynn Blog!

Welcome aboard, Becky! We are all looking forward to your thoughtful posts and comments! — David DeWitt

Confessions of an Errol Flynn Fan, Part One

Why do we sometimes love movies that we know are bad? I’m talking about bad films like Plan 9 from Outer Space. It’s horrid; a piece of claptrap with bad acting, lousy special effects, an even lousier script. Plan 9 from Outer Space defines the phrase “bad movie.” It’s director, Ed Wood, has become a cult figure decades after his… (more…)