Archive for June, 2015

Lost Image Plugin!

30 Jun

During an updating of plugins I lost the image embedding plugin most of us have been using. And I’ve spent hours trying to find it again. Since this plugin uses mostly images posted on other sites we lost all of those images. That’s the problem with linking to images hosted elsewhere, they can be taken down, or something like this, losing a plugin can make make them disappear. I will try to find the plugin again, so far no luck. But don’t panic! I am not giving up!

— David DeWitt

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Errol in Packard

30 Jun

Steve and I had lunch at the Kentish Hotel where all the Errol pics are anyway we saw this pic of Errol in his Packard . Sorry about the reflection on glass. His wife did say when he had time he would like to share some of his pics with ours. Love genenepackard

— tassie devil


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Bow and arrow skill

29 Jun


— daringthorpe


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28 Jun


— daringthorpe


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Who Am I?

27 Jun

And who am I to Errol, so I say?




P.S. I’m closely associated with photographs and celebrities, often seen at events with the rich and famous.

— Tim


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Stuntmen, stand-ins and stooges III

27 Jun

jock mahoney

Dear fellow Flynn fans,

Jock Mahony was the go- to- fallguy for any leap of faith. He made a name for himself within the stunt community and a top 1000 $ by jumping down a staircase from a standing position in “The Adventures of Don Juan”.

Born in Chicago of 1919 Jacques O’Mahoney excelled at swimming, basketball, and football at the University of Iowa. During World War II he was a Marine flight instructor. After the war, he moved to Los Angeles and worked as a horse breeder. He soon was doubling Charles Starrett in the Durango Kid westerns. Jock also doubled Gregory Peck, Randolph Scott and Rod Cameron. One of a few incedibly talented stuntmen he later became a TV star alongside Gene Autry.

If not for Lex Barker, he even would have succeeded Errol`s prime mate Johnny Weismüller as Tarzan. At age 44 he did just that and starred in two jungle features of the noble Ape Man in Thailand and India.

While pitching himself to Hollywood studios with this daring flying stunt from above, he needed a catcher to either save him or to pick up the pieces.  That (no small) feat was handled brilliantly by Paul Baxley





— shangheinz


How to Add Photos to Posts!

26 Jun


These are the steps to add Photos to your Posts if you are an Author on this blog like the one above.

On the Add New Post page, add your title to your new post. Click the Add Media button on your toolbar.


Click Upload files in the Media Library.


Click Select Files.


Select Source from your device.


Select an Image. The image will be uploaded to the Media Library.


After it uploads, you can see what the image address is, and chose to link the image to another web site. Click Insert into Post. The image will be added to your post.


Now you can click the image to edit it, if you like. Finished, you may chose to publish. If you want the post to appear in more than one place, select one or more other categories before you publish.


If you are ready, click Publish.

Multiple pictures can be added to one posting by repeating the steps. You can look at the post window in the Visual or Text mode.


— David DeWitt


A New “Errol Flynn”

25 Jun

“Errol Flynn”

From Amanda Broom to Donnie Britts, via Billy Bob Thornton

– A Beautiful Song, with both Loving & Heartbreaking Lyrics:…

Fritts and Billy Bob

David Bruce with Flynn

— Tim


“New Errol Flynn DVD Release!”

25 Jun

Olive Films has released for pre-order one of Errol Flynn’s most obscure and under-rated films ‘The Adventures Of Captain Fabian’ (1951). The film was expensively produced by Republic Pictures and shot overseas in Paris, France. Frankly it’s a dark, gothic story starring Vincent Price and Micheline Presle (the director William Marshal’s wife) as an evil couple in grand old New Orleans. Errol Flynn has thee title role and is in support along with the great Agnes Moorehead until the very end when Captain Fabian and his crew swashbuckle against a lynch mob. The film’s ending is heartbreaking and surprisingly Errol Flynn gives one of his finest dramatic performances ever. Olive Films has been releasing many Paramount and Republic films in beautiful pristine, DVD films so ‘The Adventures Of Captain Fabian’ will never look better! Ralph Schiller

— rswilltell


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Sea and Hill hunting II

25 Jun


Dear fellow Flynn fans,

here are some subtle subtitles to the filmsy footage:…

The archer Jerry Hill remembers his uncle Howard.

Errol Flynn’s favorite sailing boat was called, Sirocco. He had another called ZACA. It had a flag on it that had a picture of a fighting game rooster with the boats name below the picture. When he would sail out of Balboa, where he kept it docked, in southern California. Fellow seaman friends, seeing him pass would comment jokingly, “there goes C**K ZACA”. Leading up to the filming of, THE ADVENTURES OF ROBIN HOOD. Howard Hill was hired by Warner Brothers, to tudor Flynn in the art of archery. Uncle Howard had to school him in all aspects of the sport, drawing an arrow from a backquiver, knocking an arrow onto the string, drawing of the bow, aiming and releasing, proper stance and etc. They spent long hours together, repeating every step to get everything right. It was very important that uncle Howard teach Flynn correctly, so Flynn wouldn’t look stupid in the film. There were quite a few archers that had joined into the sport of archery. Howard new that once the film was released, they too would go and see it. If Flynn didn’t do a good job, he new that he would be the first to hear about it.
Flynn had one problem however. Uncle Howard said that he was double jointed in his elbow, and couldn’t hold his bow arm outward. Flynn continually raked his arm and bruised it. This fact shows in still pictures of him shooting the bow as well as in the film. Even though Flynn complained with most every shot, there seemed to be nothing that could be done, so practice continued. After all Hollywood wouldn’t mind, as they new how to cover things up with make up.
Howard new that some of the best practice that could be done with a bow and arrow, was away from the target and out into the field. Occasionally, they would sail to Catilina island, off the coast of California. They would sail around to the back side and drop anchor in Cherry Cove. Cherry cove was the perfect place, as it would keep Flynn away from picture takers and autograph seekers. From there they would paddle a small boat, called a dingy, into shore. Once on shore they would climb the steep bluffs, and once on top where the land was suitable, they would bowhunt wild boar and wild goats. The island was owned by a Mr Wriggley. Mr Wiggley’s company was of the chewing gum name. The island was stocked with many types of animals, but mostly cattle, goat’s and buffalo. The wild boar were not stocked, as they are considered to be of the early Spanish variety. The boar caused a lot of damage to the island and the goats multiplied so quickly, they were a menius. Mr Wiggly liked uncle Howard and gave him free rein of the island. What a fun time I’m sure the two archers had, mixing work with pleasure. This had to be right down uncle Howard’s alley. Uncle Howard and Flynn made several trips to Catilina later own after the movie was made, also to Santa Cruz island.
After months and months of continued practice, there seem to Flynn to be no end, but finally the last lesson was at hand. It being the last one, uncle Howard made it long and really pressured Flynn to be perfect in every step. Once finished, Flynn looked at uncle Howard and said. “You know Howard, there is only one thing that keeps me from hitting you right in the nose”. Uncle Howard looked at Flynn and ask, “what’s that”? Flynn answered, “FEAR”!

Which proves that Errol feared nothing but fear itself.


— shangheinz