“New Errol Flynn DVD Release!”

Olive Films has released for pre-order one of Errol Flynn’s most obscure and under-rated films ‘The Adventures Of Captain Fabian’ (1951). The film was expensively produced by Republic Pictures and shot overseas in Paris, France. Frankly it’s a dark, gothic story starring Vincent Price and Micheline Presle (the director William Marshal’s wife) as an evil couple in grand old New Orleans. Errol Flynn has thee title role and is in support along with the great Agnes Moorehead until the very end when Captain Fabian and his crew swashbuckle against a lynch mob. The film’s ending is heartbreaking and surprisingly Errol Flynn gives one of his finest dramatic performances ever. Olive Films has been releasing many Paramount and Republic films in beautiful pristine, DVD films so ‘The Adventures Of Captain Fabian’ will never look better! Ralph Schiller

— rswilltell

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