Category Archives: Petronella Wyatt

Hark! ‘The Errol’ Moonbeams Shine!

America calling, PW … Just in time for Christmastime – Our Lady in London – publishes Errol’s secret recipe! “The Spectator magazine’s Christmas special is doubly festive this year, [including] an entry from journalist and high-society member Petronella Wyatt revealing details … of her favourite seasonal cocktail, “The Errol”, named after its inventor Errol Flynn.” [The Irish Times] The Spectator… (more…)

The Errol of the 18th Century

John Wilkes (1725 to 1797). Born in London to a middle class family, he was a journalist, writer, libertine, poet, adventurer, wit, radical MP, womaniser, duellist, fighter against oppression, and one of the first media celebrities. Wilkes was also the most successful womaniser we English ever produced (at any rate, he was the most famous). He even managed to pinch Casanova’s favourite mistress, which the Italian… (more…)