Monthly Archives: July 2019

Mail Bag! King & Queen Meet the Stars!

Hello David, Here’s another video with my favorite actor… King And Queen Meet The Stars (1949) Thanks to: Carol Kramer — David DeWitt

Errol Flynn’s Contract for Robin Hood!

He was paid $50,000 … equal to about $890, 000 dollars in 2018 dollars! — David DeWitt

Mail Bag! John Decker Death Certificate!

Special thanks to Robert Peckinpaugh for this rare item! — David DeWitt

Yachts race 17 mile course during McNish Classic

Saw this item on Google…… and it says that the yacht “Cheerio” once belonged to Errol. Can any one confirm this and if so what name did it have under Errold ownership? — tassie devil

Mail Bag! Something for You to See! Errol Flynn Tribute!

I am having the best time wandering around your Errol Flynn Blog. Came across this Flynn Tribute video.  WOW!  Take a look Thanks, Carol Kramer … Thank you, Carol! — David DeWitt

Cagney and Flynn Go Long

Jimmy and Errol during the filming of Frisco Kid and Captain Blood. No hug or smile for hubby, though! July 25, 1935 A Little from Lots by Ralph Wilks Photography on two Warner special productions, Frisco Kid, starring James Cagney, and Captain Blood, co-starring Errol Flynn and Olivia de Havilland, starts next Monda at the Burbank studios under the direction… (more…)

Mail Bag! Olivia deHavilland PRINCESS O’ROURKE!

From Karl Holmberg: “Generally considered the film that caused Olivia de Havilland to sue Warner Brothers over contract rights. She won the lawsuit, resulting in California Labor Code Section 2855, informally known as the “De Havilland Law”.” Gotta wonder if “Chas” (an Oscar winner for that year!) didn’t also help that along a little… (According to Piper Laurie in her… (more…)

The Captain Blood Armada

July 24, 1935 Los Angeles Examiner Warners Rush Ships for Scenes in Captain Blood Construction of five pirate boats to be used in the filming of Captain Blood was being rushed on the Warner Brothers lot today, anticipating the picture’s going into production the first week of August. The ships are being made under the supervision of Anton Grot, art… (more…)

Souvenirs de Marine

One of the primary references used by Art Director Anton Grot’s team for the design of ships in Captain Blood was the Souvenirs de Marine, written by Vice Admiral Francois-Edmond Paris. François-Edmond Pâris (1806 – 1893) was one of the most fascinating characters in French maritime history. As a young man he was involved in the last of the grand… (more…)

Gone with the Wind 80th Anniversary! Olivia de Havilland!

Limited Time Only !!! Order here >>> — David DeWitt