Category Archives: Tina


___ Cheers to All Who Toasted Errol on his 111th!!! ___ I am not able to name all those who deserve praise for their participation, but here are some key Flynnmates we can thank here, alphabetically by first name ___ ….. Andy Hill from Chico, “Home of Sherwood Forest” – Whiskey A.R. – Cognac ‘B’ from Chicago Bob Searles from… (more…)

A Father’s Day Tribute to Errol from Bariebel

Here is a wonderful music video from Bariebel, aka preeminent EFB Author Tina Nyary. Thank you, Tina! Btw, Tina toasted twice on Saturday to Errol’s 111th from Toronto (I think Toronto) with an 18-year-old Glennfiddich Malt Whiskey – once by her pool in the afternoon, and once in the evening!! — Tim

Mon Film – Robin de Bois: February 25, 1948

Mon Film was the leading “film photonovel” publication in France in the decades before and after World War II. (It was “on hiatus” during the war.) This issue was published on February 25, 1948, seventy-two years ago today. Thank you to our great EFB Flynnmate and Author Tina (aka Baribel), for originally publishing this cover and information regarding it, nine… (more…)

Tina’s Love of a Father

Beautiful, Tina. Thank You and God Bless. — Tim

In Like Flynn Film

IMDB has this update so far. The only thing that bothers me is that they say the budget is only 10 Mil. Hope it turns out great.…… — twinarchers

The Swordfights of Errol Flynn – A Video from Tina

Tina sent this awesome video. Thank you, Tina! — Tim

Just A Nice Photo

— twinarchers

A Premier Date! The Sea Hawk!

I am sure many of us use several sources to confirm the movie premiere dates for Flynn’s films. One of the largest, and generally reliable, is is IMDb. But it is always good to double check. As an example I checked the date for The Sea Hawk with IMDb and it is listed as July 1, 1940 with a second listing of August 10… (more…)

Ride To The Sound Of The Guns

Wanted to know a bit more on this guy and found that they used an existing painting instead of having the art department make one up. At least I think so. Link: Ride to the Sound of the Guns — twinarchers

Master Flynn

Just watched this again a few days ago and was very happy with the real locations used rather than the back lot. Makes me wish Against All Flags was filmed in Europe too. I think that many reviews in the book The Films Of Errol Flynn are a bit too critical and was happy to find this one. MOVIE REVIEW… (more…)

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