Category Archives: Mulholland Drive Boys

Jack Marino’s Homage to Mulholland Farm, and Errol Flynn!

Our dear friend, and fellow blog member, Jack Marino, sends us three photos of his remodeled livingroom today at his beautiful home somewhere below the Hollywood hills in Los Angeles and there is something familiar about what he has done for all Flynn aficionados … it is a “time machined experience” as my good friend Dennis Mullen would say …… (more…)

Three More Sisters, Plus Grandma, Plus Errol

While we’re on the topic of The Sisters, here is an Errol Flynn song invoving four sisters. — Tim

Memorial Day Salute

To our EFB Flynnmate Jack Marino, Writer & Director of FORGOTTEN HEROES, a magnificent tribute to veterans, and (at least to my knowledge) the only war film ever made with scenes filmed at Mulholland Farm. Bravo, Jack! “Jack, you have helped enhance the lives of our Nation’s military and veterans and I appreciate your efforts to honor these heroes” Your… (more…)

Errol Flynn Turns One Hundred! The Mulholland Drive Boys…

                         Must reading! …Well, done, Steve! — David DeWitt