Monthly Archives: April 2014

Some of Errol’s Magazine Covers

Hi all A lovely friend of ours sent us this link. We really enjoyed it. Love Genene And thank you Gary Stewart.…… — tassie devil

An Omelette at the Mocambo…… — Tim

Errol Strikes Gold in New Guinea – By the Light of His Hurricane Lamps

When Errol moved to Salamaua, Papua New Guinea, he “plunged” himself into reading great works of literature – through “Russian novelists, Greek philosophers, French writers” he nightly “skipped, waded, muddled” and “sometimes swam well”, by the light of his hurricane lamps, fondling these books as if [he] were running his hands through a lovely woman’s hair”. “An inner need for… (more…)

Box Office

Here is a link to a nifty box office list for Flynn.  It even mentions this blog. Since there were only half as many people living on the planet at that time you really have to double the numbers I think even though they are adjusted for inflation…… — twinarchers

Out Like Flynn: Senor Fleen Sneaks Out Through the Banos Window

Party at the Hotel Florida! (… A Spanish Republican party at that!) Gelhorn chasing Hemingway. Hemingway hitting Welles with a chair. Capa faking photos. The Duchess eating all the spinach. Philby spying for Stalin. Flynn sneaking out the bathroom window. F. Scott giving his highest praise.* Man, Errol got invited to (and skipped out of)the best parties! * Doesn’t say… (more…)

“Cruise of the Cotten” Starring Errol Flynn

Errol Joins Some Sailors Cruising the Med for Dinner!~ [Third week of September, 1955] The “French Riviera” “controversial Bikini”, along with the “prettiest sightseeing [in the Mediterraranean] is discussed on the following page, page 27. The Ward Room where Errol likely dined is on p. 47. In the Med, September, 1955 – Just how & when Errol saw her: —… (more…)

Virile Errol’s Royal Pain in the Ass

Mystery Solved! Who Brushwhacked The Baron-to-Be in Manhattan? Madame Natalie Paley LeLong,that’s who! Here is Man Ray’s photographic portrait of Errol Flynn’s notorious “Princess Naomi Tiarovitch”, who, to my knowledge, has never been identified before in any document or forum. In fact, she is specifically never identified by her true name in any work I have seen regarding Flynn, including,… (more…)

Santa Fe Trail DVD

For some reason that I don’t remember, this film is in the public domain and there are many versions of it available. The image below is far superior from the other pictured, and from what I have read its the best version. It also contains another feature as a bonus. Marengo Films puts it out but the copy I received… (more…)

“They Died With Their Boots On”-Some “Then & Now” Outtakes

Here are a couple of samples that won’t be in the book, mostly because they just aren’t good enough, but also because I don’t want it to be Flynn-heavy. The publisher who first expressed interest convinced me to widen the scope of film choices to include more films from recent times, something I reluctantly agreed to even though seriously cutting… (more…)

Who is it? Who is it?

Who is She or He? 1) He or she was born in France. 2) His or her father was a famous Parisian. 3) His or her portrait – painted before meeting Errol – hangs in a leading museum. 4) Many considered him or her to be handsome or beautiful. 5) He or she was a friend of Noel Coward, as… (more…)